CHAPTER 49- Where has life taken me?

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 "A true love story never ends." — Unknown


I race out of the hospital and get into my car nearly breaking the door in the process.

Taking deep breaths in attempts of controlling my tears I closed my eyes trying to figure out as to what the fuck just happened.

I sighed the papers like an idiot. Why the fuck did I do that?

Something on her face just yelling 'TRUST ME' and I did, although I don't know why.

I don't have a good feeling about all.

AHHH FUCK! I'm losing my mind!!

Gripping my hair I rest my head on the steering wheel and count to ten.

Just as I was slightly calm it got ruined by Veer opening the car door and panting.

I just glared at him for which he sighed.

"Move, I'm driving." he stated but I stayed put.

"Arjun move and I'll explain everything." he shot me a desperate look.

Without saying anything I got out and settled back into the passenger seat while Veer took the wheel and sighed.

"Just....just stay put for some more time. We need to get out of here and I promise I'll explain it all to you. I promise." he raised his brows waiting for an answer.

I just sighed and shook my head. 

"Thank you," he breathed out.

The ignition soon started and we were out of there.


Sighing, I filled two glasses of water and put one in front of a very shook, heartbroken and unhappy Arjun and took a seat facing him.

He looked so lost in his thought that I had to wave and call his name four times to get his attention.

Finally he looked up and the minute his eyes met mine they welled with tears.

"Arjun, don't cry she had a reason for it. I promise its a good one too." I tried consoling him.

He just kept his head down and shook it while fisting his hands.

Quickly getting on my feet I go by his side and hug him. We stayed like that till he clamed down with me rubbing his back trying to comfort him.

"Arjun Kapoor pull your fucking self together because this is the time Ninu needs you the most and breaking down like this is not gonna work. Get your shit together and listen to me carefully without interrupting." I said in a hard tone.

I know I'm being harsh especially since he just sighed a divorce with the women he's been in love with half his life but I can't help it.

He needs to be strong...for her.

"What are you talking about?" he whispered after a long time.

I sighed and sat down next to him, facing him.

"It all began when Ninu called me today morning...." I trail off as I recall every fucked up thing that has happened since she called me.

A FEW HOURS AGO (3rd person POV)

"I'm in deep trouble and have no clue as to what to me," Nina spoke in a desperate tone from one line of the phone.

With a confused, tense and uneasy feeling Veer spoke "I'm on my way." 

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