978 43 4

 "You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart."


The bright light of the sun made me squint my eyes open, but this time I didn't complain but opened my eyes with a smile as yesterday's events flashed through my mind.

My first kiss, our confession....a small smile played on my lips just thinking of it, I lightly touched my lips and smiled widely on recalling everything he told me. 

Your mine, only mine
I like you Ninu.

I can't believe the person I love likes me, he may not love me but it doesn't all. He likes me and that, is more than I could ask for. All I wish is that yesterday was a dream, I mean come on I even got to meet Jacob to make things better and partially I should thank him I guess.

I pulled back to reality on realizing that I was alone on the bed, Arjun was not next to me...more like on top of me, not the point but ya.

I frowned as I sat and straightened the bird's nest on my head by brushing my fingers through my locks as I stormed my brain thinking of sensible places he could be at the crack of dawn.

Its 10 in the morning, just saying.

Not the time but fine, where can he be at 10 in the morning? I thought as I rolled my eyes at my conscience.

I leaned forward to the nightstand to grab my phone when I saw a small card set next to the night lamp with 'READ ME' written on it. I frowned as I took the card and my phone to check if Arjun left any messages about his whereabouts.

On finding nothing I opened the card and the first thing that caught my eyes was Arjun's neat and tidy handwriting unlike my messy and mostly unreadable one. 

Good morning beautiful,
Slept well? Oh who am I kidding, you would have definitely slept well, after all, you were in my arms. Anyways, just wanted to inform you that today is a very, very special day for us peach. You and I, are going on our first official date! So, I left in the morning to prepare everything and I will meet you directly at the venue. Dom will be there to pick you up at 6:30 sharp and yes evening since I'm guessing it is already 10 by he will pick you up at 6:30 sharp. Be ready:)
So till then, relax, enjoy and miss me sunshine;)

Your all time hot and sexy husband!<3

I was smiling like a fool on reading the note but also rolled my eyes a few times. But I mainly smiled, also I love the fact that he has so many nick names for me and he's damn right about him being hot and sexy all the freaking time. I mean come on, how can someone who wakes up look so se-

So your gonna just ignore the fact that your going on your first date and concentrate on the nicknames he gave you and his sexiness in the morning?

Oh shu-

Wait! Date?!

Oh dear lord, please give me and Arjun the strength to bear with he-

Hush it!

I quickly read the note and I'm now a smiling mess, I read the note again to make sure I read it right, my heart skipped a beat but I soon recovered and jumped on the bed and squealed in happiness. 

My first date!!

I can't believe I'm going on my first date today!!

Shoot! I have nothing to wear. Never in my life would I have thought I would face a day where I would be unhappy about the fact that I hate shopping.

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