CHAPTER 46- Where are we going?

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"When you find that one that's right for you, you feel like they were put there for you, you never want to be apart." -Joe Manganiello


"Arjun....Arjun....ARJUN KAPOOR WAKE THE HELL UP!!" Ninu yelled and I was awake.

"I'm up!" I sat up still half sleeping.

"Looks like someone recovered," I smile on seeing a very excited Ninu bouncing on the bed lightly with a huge and adorable grin on her face.

"I'm completely fine thank you very much," she replied excitedly making me smile wider.

"Why am I awake so early on a Sunday?" I ask rubbing my eyes, yawning and stretching.

"Because we dear husband are going out," she replied getting up from the bed.

"Where to?" I frown confused.

"That's your headache, decide the place and tell me. We will be leaving around noon and returning in the evening so decide accordingly." she ordered with a smile.

I gave her a look then sighed in defeat.

"Alright, let me freshen up then I'll see where we can go." 

"Yayyy!" she jumped and ran out the room.

She really is something.

I smile shaking my head and head to the washroom.


"So where we going?" was the first thing she asked as soon as I entered a very aromatic kitchen.

"Out" I reply briefly.

"Like I didn't know that," she muttered and placed a plate of delicious looking food in front of me and I dug in immediately.

"Come on tell me, tell me, tell me, tell meee!" she gave me puppy dog eyes and I turned the other.

"Your mean," she gave me a betrayed look.

"I've been told," I grin going back to my food.


"I'm ready," Ninu said coming out the washroom looking absolutely beautiful in her outfit which was perfect for the place I had chosen for our day today.

"I'm ready," Ninu said coming out the washroom looking absolutely beautiful in her outfit which was perfect for the place I had chosen for our day today

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"Lets get going," I say walking to her, lacing my fingers with hers and guiding her out.

"Where are we going?" she asked as we got out the elevator.

"I'm sure I already gave you the answer." I reply with a hidden smirk.

She sighed and shook her head.

"Your car is...that way...right?" she asked unsure with a very adorable confused look.

"Who said we are going by car?" I raise my brow while she frowned.

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