CHAPTER 24- Chocolate sauce

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"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back." -Barbara De Angelis


"Where do you wanna eat?" Arjun asked as we got out of the elevator.

"Where ever there's food." I shrugged. He chuckled at my statement.

"Alright, wait for me, I'll just ask if there is any cafe close by." I nodded and decided to wait by the entrance.

Day one in Paris!!

I walked out too absorbed soaking in the sight in front of my eyes, that I didn't realize there were a bunch of reporters outside, who were now rushing to me. My reflexes kicked in fast and I ran back into the hotel faster than I run on seeing a cockroach.

 I looked behind me to ensure they didn't come in following me when I collided with a strong, hard chest and lost my balance.

I was about to fall due to the sudden impact but a strong arm caught me by my waist while mine wounded themselves around a neck.

By now I just know its Arjun because I've fallen like way too much for my own good. He keeps appearing out of the blue and I keep running into him and this goes on repeat. Almost everyday!

Slowly I opened my right eye to peek and look at a now smirking Arjun looking directly into my eyes with amusement.

"You can't stay away from me can you?" he raised his brows at me. I concentrated on ignoring the tingling feelings I'm getting on my waist.

 No matter how many times we end up like this, my body heats up leaving tingling feelings, my heart fluttering and the butterflies in my stomach doing somersault. 

"Earth to Sunshine?" he smirked

I gave him a 'seriously' look and was about to give him a piece of my mind stating it was all HIS fault, not MINE but got interrupted by sounds of flashes and clicks.

Oh hell no!

I quickly stood straight, swatted his hands from my waist and peeked out to find them pushing each other and clicking photos of us, looking happy and satisfied about it. 

How I wish to break that camera of theirs! And stab them to death with their own pen!

"Lets not get aggressive sunshine." he laughed and rubbed my back while I frowned.

"Hm?" I tilted my head up questioningly as to what he was talking about.

"You just said you want to break their cameras, and stab to death with their pen." he said amused.

"I'm thinking out loud way too much now a days" I muttered.

"You still are." he chuckled

Oh Go-.....wait, what did he call me? Wasn't it princess?

"Sunshine?" where does he come up these kind of nicknames?

"Yeah, princess sounds.....common, plus you are the light in my life, so sunshine." he booped by nose then wrapped his hands around my waist.

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