CHAPTER 35- Every. Fucking. Time

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 "Because of you, I can feel myself slowly, but surely, becoming the me I have always dreamed of being." – Tyler Knott Gregson


After bidding them goodbye one last time and hugging Momo again, me and Ninu started walking.

"Where are we going?" Ninu frowned when I laced my fingers with hers and pulled her in the opposite direction of our car.

"You tired?" I questioned her recalling the direction of the park near the Eiffel Tower.

"" she stated, more like questioned.

"Then my beloved, lets go for a walk. Plus the weather's too good to pass the opportunity to walk under the stars." I said glancing at the sky illuminated naturally by the sparkling stars standing out in the night showing their real beauty.

"Alright" her soft voice made me peek at her now blush adored face making her immensely adorable. The cool breeze gently passed by her making her open hair dance with the wind, under the city lights anyone could see her brightly glowing face and her eyes had extra sparkle in them and the way they twinkled under the lights made me fall more for the brown eyed beauty. Even though we have been in Paris for more than a week, she still finds everything fascinating and beautiful and never gets tired of admiring its beauty just like I never get tired of admiring hers.

As though she sensed my eyes on her, her eyes caught mine, the moment our eyes met they locked with each other. Soon it felt like it was only the two of us and the rest of the world disappeared from my view, her eyes have the power to stop time and leave me spellbound and captivated by them. She has the power to leave me enchanted and stunned by the beauty, inside and out.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?" she frowned as she traced her fingers lightly on her face trying to feel something.

I smirked internally when an idea popped in my head.

"Actually there is." I smiled at how adorable she looked puzzled, trying to figure out whatever was on her face.

"Here let me" without waiting for her to reply, I claimed her lips with mine. She responded almost instantly, as our lips moved together in sync, sparks ignited in my body. The sense of pleasure that coursed though me was unexplainable. Her lips had the power to leave me dazed and desireful.

I bit her lower lips gently before glazing my tongue for entrance but she denied and broke apart, much to my dismay. Only now did I realize that her upper body was pressed against mine allowing me to hear her rapid heartbeat, I could feel the heat in my chest form her mouth as she panted, penetrating through my cloth material making she shudder. 

She buried her face in my chest in failed attempts of trying to hide her scarlet cheeks and ears. I wrapped my hands around her shoulder and held her closer to me, if that was even possible. Her tiny hands circled my torso, as she buried her face further into my chest. I rested my cheek on her head and sighed silently enjoying every moment.

After a while we pulled apart, few strands of her hair fell on her eyes messily, brushing then behind her ear, I cupped her small face between my large hands and smiled down at her which she returned.

"I'm guessing there was nothing on my face?" 

"There was something on your lips" I smiled innocently, she raised her eyebrow.

"My lips" I grinned while she rolled her eyes.


It was as if something from the corner of her eyes caught her attention, she averted her gaze to her right and gasped.

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