CHAPTER 32- We are here

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"Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive." -Inconnu


I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled closer to me making her rest her head on my chest giving her easy access to hear my rising and rapid heartbeat.

She kept her head on my chest comfortably and in a blink of an eye she was asleep causing me to chuckle. I look down to see the women who stole my heart when she was just a girl. Her beautiful face looked peaceful and carefree, I could feel her calm and steady heart beat. 

Her hair was tied into a bun making me frown. Why tie your hair while sleeping?

Slowly and carefully I removed the hair tie and let her silky, long hair flow on the pillow and mattress. I played with the tips of her hair admiring the chocolate brown color as I thought of the unimaginable event that took place in my life, the way my life took a 180 degree turn just because of one women.

The way she lit up my dull and gloomy life with her words, smile and presence. The way she turned my penthouse which was just a place for me where I stayed for the night, into my home, our home. The way she made her way into my family's heart effortlessly, the way she won their heart in the second they laid their eyes on her. The way I got joy and peace in just her mere presence. The way she made everything look cute made me fall harder for her. The way her smile was enough to light up a dull room. The way she became my love, my possession, my passion, my life, my everything,.... my world. 

Her independent, confident, happy, carefree nature attracted me more towards her like a magnet. Her loving, caring and gentle side made me want more of her. Her fierce and bold yet soft and quite personality urged me to fall for her. Her loving and soft angelic voice and smile leaving me crave for more. Her independent and strong character showing her worth to the world.

I smile looking at her and sigh in satisfaction.

My mind then drifts to the plans I made for our first date tomorrow. This may not exactly be her ideal date but it would be even better, I will make sure of it. With that thought I peck Ninu's forehead.

"Good night my love." I whisper before I slip into a deep slumber with her in my arms.


"Not like that!" Annie exclaimed loudly.

I sighed in frustration "This is not my cup of tea." I grit my teeth and throw the eyeliner on the counter near the washbasin, put on my glasses and stare at it in disgust.

"Stop giving the poor eyeliner the stink eye, not its fault you don't know how to apply it." Kajol chimed in a worryingly calm voice.

I groan and sigh for the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes.

"I'm so done, I can't do this! I am so close to crying." I whine and see myself in the mirror and damn, the left eyeliner is so close to touching my ear.

How can I be so bad with makeup? Since when was applying a stupid eyeliner such a big task? Women manage to do it within seconds and here I am sitting for the past 15 minutes looking funnier than a freaking clown! 

"Ok. lets calm down and start from scratch, alright?" Kajol questioned for which I nodded.

"Can't we just leave it, I mean I have to wear my glasses, it will be hidden behind it." I groan but again, I need to put some effort from my side.

Kajol gave me her famous 'don't-you-dare-back-out' stare and I sighed...again accepting defeat.

"Great, babe first take a deep breath, ok? Lets take it slow, we have time, now grab the makeup wipes and clean your face and follow my instructions." Kajol instructed in a excited voice.

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