CHAPTER 22-Aanya Kapoor, I curse you!!!

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"You're the closest to heaven, that I'll ever be."


Its official....mother nature hates me to the core of her heart or she wouldn't be this cruel to keep waking me up shining the bright light of sunlight early in the morning.

I groaned and tried to turn and pull the comforter over my head.
Keyword here being tried.

Just as I was about to turn, my right hand was stuck under something heavy. What the heck?!

I open my eyes, letting them adjust to the sunlight, I look down to see my right hand buried under Arjun's body. My hand!




Arjun is sleeping where I fell asleep while me...hah! I'm sleeping on the freaking edge of the bed!!

And to top it all off, we...correction, he is sleeping so close to me that our noses are touching, I could feel his hot breath on my lips and nose and our lips?!

They are soooo damned close, one wrong move from either of us and they would be touching!!!

But in all honesty are his lips as soft as the look? They look so good right now soft, plum and full, how good would it be to kiss them rig-

Some send help....I beg of you!

And some holy water for her perverted head

What is happening to me?!?!?!

This. Is. Not. Me!!!!

I'm not a pervert but the giant sleeping here is making me one!

Stop blaming him!

Stop taking his side!!


And now I want to pee.....Great, Just great!

 Can this morning get any better?

Lord only knows if my hand is still intact.

I try moving my fingers when Arjun groaned and buried his head more into the pillow. Ok so my hand is functioning. And I moved my head in time or this would have been one hella awkward morning.

This is exactly how I wished to wake up on our honeymoon. I'm so happy!

Will I be over dramatic if I start to cry right about now? Yeah? Well I don't care...I really need to pee and this hulk here does not look like he's getting up anytime soon and my fingers and hand are getting crushed under his weight!!!!

I slowly turn the other side to take my phone and check the time....ok so its not early in the morning...its 10 in the morning.

My bad!

I have to pee!!!! I might do it here if I can't get into the washroom in the next 5 minutes and I mean every word of it!

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