CHAPTER 20- Welcome to Paris

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 "True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning." ― Nicholas Sparks


"Sir your jet is ready" a young man in his mid 20s came and informed Arjun.

We had arrived at the airport and were now waiting to board our flig- wait....

"Did he just say jet?" I tilt my head to look at Arjun.

"Hmm" he hummed typing on his phone.

This guy is either typing on his laptop or his phone.

"Come on lets get going." he gave me his hand once he stood up.

I held his hand and he immediately pulled me to my feet with no effort. 

Of course....I weigh nothing according to him.

We walked out of there and followed the guy who had called us to the opposite side of the boarding gate.

After walking for a while I caught a glimpse of his jet. It was black!!!!

Once we finished with everything, all the formalities, we boarded in and it was beautiful on the inside. It looked luxurious and insanely comfortable.

I sat down on one of the big comfy chair and kept my bag I was carrying on my lap, and made myself comfortable.

"Uh...mam shall I keep your bag in the luggage compartment?" a flight attendant asked to which I nicely said no.

I need to have something on my lap, its weird I know but I feel weird sitting without something on my lap. A cushion or a bag or even book.

After a while Arjun came and sat next to me and frowned looking at my bag.

"Did they not take your bag?" he frowned at me then my bag

"They asked but I said no, I need something on my lap, its fine leave it." I said smiling sheepishly.

He gave a nod and took out his phone and started typing..... again.

"What do you keep typing on your phone?" my eyes widened, the question slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

I looked down in embarrassment, remind me to tape my mouth shut form next time.

I looked up when heard him chuckle, "I was texting mom about our departure, earlier I was replying to mails since I won't be working for two weeks and..." he kept his phone down and turned his upper body to me "I won't be texting anymore now. I'm all yours, happy?" 

I turned the other side to hide my joke nose cheeks.

He laughed again "You don't have to get embarrassed in front of me princess." he whispered in my ears and I could feel his hot breath fanning on the side of my neck.

Now my whole face was red, great, if this is how I'm spending the next 8 hours of my life, I don't want to go to Paris, someone just kill me now itself!

"Shut up" I muttered and directed my eyes to the window, and all my eyes met was darkness, its late in the night, makes sense.

"Welcome aboard, this is your pilot Claire speaking, we'll be taking off in a few minutes please fasten your seatbelts and make sure your seat is upright. Thank you" I heard a female voice from the intercom and the fasten seatbelt sigh was lighted.

We quickly did as we were told and waited. 

"Look" Arjun gave me his phone

I took it from him and saw the a photo, it was the one dad took of me and Kajol.

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