CHAPTER 43- Get used to it

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"Having a sister is like having a you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there." —Amy Li


I groan as I open my eyes to the sunlight pouring through the really really large windows. I lift my hand to rub my eyes when something registered in my mind.

There is something heavy on top of me, except, it feels comfy and warm and snuggly. 

What the heck?

I open my eyes with a frown, which soon dissolves to form a look of surprise.

Arjun is sleeping on top of me...his head buried in my neck. I could feel is even breaths fan over my neck. 

I smile lightly on seeing him sleep peacefully looking exactly like a huge baby. His soft snores filled the silent air around, his warmth circled me making me wish I could stay like this forever. Life would be wonderful if we could just pause a moment and live in it longer, but like they say, live in the moment.

I slowly and gently, run my fingers through his silky smooth hair when I felt his sigh. I continue as I wrap my other hand around his shoulders holding him close like he might slip away if I don't when suddenly everything from yesterday came flooding in my mind.

Kajol's accident, everyone's crying faces, me blabbering everything to Arjun including my...bad past, talking with the doctor, our confession.





Did we actually tell I love you to each other last night?!

Maybe it was just a dream...right?



Was Kajol's accident a dream?

I wish it was.

Then this isn't a dream either.

Oh my lord.

He actually loves me!


Stop yelling!

I'm yelling in my head!

Exactly stop! My ears are hurting!!

You have ears as well?


Now whose yelling?

"Good morning Angel," Arjun sexy morning voice pulling me out of my bickering with my own damn conscience.

My eyes find his only to find him looking down at me with amusement.

"What?" I raise my brows questioningly.

"No nothing at all," he smiled while I eyed him suspiciously.

"What is it?" I ask again.

He just shook his head and shrugged.

"Arjun," I whine.

"Angel," he mock my tone.

"Was I talking out loud again?" I ask preparing myself for a whole lot of embarrassment.

"No, but I would love to hear what was going on in that pretty little head of yours since you were scowling the whole time," he grinned while my face became a freaking tomato at the crack of dawn.

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