Don't Rush

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I woke up with a groan, blinking sleep from my eyes and running a hand through my hair, trying to figure out why I had woken up. All of a sudden it clicked that the phone was ringing and I rolled over, fumbling for the receiver and lifting it off the hook, holding it to my ear.

"Hello?" I mumbled blearily.

Shannon: Y/N! Get your ass to my house and tell me how last night went!

I smiled at the glee in her voice.

"Alright, alright, calm down! Let me get dressed and I'll head over."

I could hear a second, much lower voice saying something, and Shannon giggled in response before turning back to the phone.

Shannon: Come over in an hour! I'll see you then!

"Alright have fun," I said with a smile, hazarding a guess as to just why she might want me to wait an hour.

I took advantage of the time delay, showering and drying my hair before getting dressed and putting on some makeup. Finally enough time had passed and I called a cab to Shannon's house. I rang the doorbell, waiting, and unsurprisingly I found myself face to face with Gene once the door was opened.

"Oh hey Y/N, come in I'll tell Shannon you're here," he said casually, taking a bite of the apple in his hand, but I could see the way his eyes traced over my body.

Fighting back the urge to roll my eyes, I waited in Shannon's front room. I loved her dearly but I could never quite understand her choice in men, let alone what the hell she saw in Gene that made it worth putting up with his vices.

The door to her room burst open and Shannon ran out, dressed hastily in a bathrobe.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry I lost track of time! Anyway, here come sit, tell me everything!" she said eagerly, taking my hands and sitting me at her table, adjusting her bathrobe so as not to accidentally flash me.

I felt my face grow warm and shrugged, looking at the table as I dragged my finger through some spilled sugar nearby a mostly empty coffee cup.

"Oh, we didn't really do much of anything. We were going to go to this Italian place but it was closed so we took a cab to McDonald's."

"Mm, wouldn't surprise me if that was Eric's first choice and he was just too shy to ask you outright," Gene said with a smile, walking into the room and giving Shannon a kiss before starting to make himself some toast.

"You just ate like an hour ago! Stop eating all my food!" Shannon said in exasperation.

"Well you got me hungry again," he said with a smirk and a wink, and Shannon let out a huff, rising to her feet and shoving him out of the room.

"Gosh you're insufferable sometimes! You've got plenty of chances to hear yourself talk, get out of here and let me talk to my friend!" she snapped, shutting the door behind him before sitting back down, shaking her head. "Ugh, that man. Now anyway, tell me more!"

I smiled, getting lost in the memories of last night.

"Oh, I mean we didn't do much else. Only talked," I admitted.

"Still! That's all Gene and I did the first night together, and look at us now! Oh Y/N you've just got to go on a second date with him, I'm certain he loves you!" she gushed, giving me a bright smile.

"Well I'll see if he asks to meet up before they leave LA next week," I said sheepishly.

Before Shannon could say anything, Gene walked back into the kitchen, holding up a hand defensively.

"Ah ah ah don't get mad at me yet! Eric's on the line, he wants to talk to Y/N," he said.

Shannon's face absolutely lit up while mine began to grow warm. I mumbled a thank you to Gene, walking past him and picking up the phone.

"Um, h-hello?" I asked.

Eric: Oh! H-hey Y/N! Hey um did you want to go get lunch today? The restaurant I was trying to take you to last night is open now. Since uh y-you know. It's not open when they're closed and-and...yeah.

I smiled, heart pattering.

"I'd love to! Maybe at 1?"

Eric: That's perfect! I'll see you then! Lov—looking forward to seeing you! Bye!

He hung up in a rush and I giggled, feeling soft. Shannon walked into the room, giving me a smile.


"He asked me to lunch today," I said, resting a hand on my heart.

"Oh that's wonderful! You should make a move on him, I'm positive he likes you!" she said, but I shook my head.

"I don't want to rush things. If he wants to make a move then I'll reciprocate! But until then, I'll just stick with being friends so I don't push him away," I said, and Shannon just shook her head.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now