Hello Baby

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~Time Skip 8 Months!~


I let out a heavy sigh, leaning back on the cushions of the couch. Eric practically materialized by my side, giving me a kiss. 

"How're you feeling? Are you in labor yet? Are you gonna have the baby now?" he asked eagerly. 

I smiled, twisting a hand through his curls.

"Unfortunately no. Their due date isn't until next week, so we'll probably have to wait a bit longer. Stephanie and Jenny were practically the day of their due date." 

He let out a sigh of his own, sitting beside me and wrapping his arms around me as I rested my head against his chest. 

"Well hopefully they'll come early. I wanna hold our new baby! And I don't like seeing you uncomfortable while you're pregnant," he said, eyes sad. 

I gave him a kiss, moving his hand to rest on my baby bump. 

"I'm not exactly fond of it either. But it's only temporary, and it's absolutely worth it."

He gave me a squeeze, stroking my hair.

"I love you so much. My gosh I can't believe how strong you are, to go through with this multiple times. I can't even put into words how much I admire you," he said. 

I closed my eyes, happy in his arms.

"You make it all worth it," I murmured, before wincing.

He sat up, eyes going wide. 

"Are you in labor now?!" he asked eagerly. 

"Relax, Honeybee. The baby was just kicking me." 

He let out a groan, sitting back down. 

"Well sorry for being excited for the birth of our kid," he grumbled. 

I giggled, closing my eyes.

"I'm excited for the baby to arrive, not so much for giving birth."

Eric shuddered. "I wish it didn't have to hurt you so much," he mumbled sadly. 

Heart soft, I kissed him on the cheek. 

"You're so sweet," I said. "Always so desperate to make sure that me and our girls are safe and happy and unhurt. It means a lot to me." 

"Well of course I want that! You three are what I care about most in the world! Well, soon to be you four," he said, resting both his hands on my baby bump.

Our baby burst into a flurry of kicking and I felt my heart quicken.

"Do you think it's a boy this time?" he asked, kissing my stomach softly.

"I think so," I said with a smile. 

"I think it's going to be a third girl. Want to wager dinner again?" he teased, and I grinned.

"Oh you bet I do. I've already got plans as to where I want to go."

"Lucky for me so do I," he said.

"Well we'll find out soon..." 

I faltered, biting back a cry of pain, moving a hand to my baby bump, and his eyes went wide all over again.

"Now is it time?" he asked, and I nodded breathlessly. 

"I think so. Can you call your parents to watch the girls?" I asked, sitting up. 

He nodded, kissing me before running off to take care of everything that needed to be done. An hour or so later, we were once again driving to the hospital, and I felt myself silently praying that I wouldn't once again give birth in our car. As if he knew what I was thinking, Eric smiled, reaching over to pat me on the thigh.

"We'll make it, don't worry," he said.

And sure enough, several hours later I was sitting propped up in bed, nursing our newborn son.

"Gosh he's perfect Bunny," Eric murmured, eyes still filled with tears. He always got emotional when any of our children were born.

"He really is," I said with a smile, stroking our son's thick curly hair. "Little Daniel Sebastian Carr." 

He gave me a kiss, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"My gosh you make gorgeous babies," he said, eyes just brimming with love and affection.

"We make gorgeous babies. Look at all this hair you gave him!" I said with a laugh. 

"He's a handsome young man already," he said proudly. 

"Of course he is," I said. "He's our baby." 

Eric kissed me again, giving me a tight hug, kissing our son on the forehead.

"Have I ever told you that you're the most perfect woman in the world? You have truly made life so worth living," he said.

"And you know that the same goes for you and for more," I said, heart just bursting with love. 

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now