A Grand Time

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The door to the hospital room opened and I looked up with a smile as Albert and Connie walked in, Stephanie held in her grandmother's arms.

"Hello my dear! My goodness you look amazing," Connie said, giving me a fond smile, and I smiled back.

"Thank you so much for watching Stephanie the past two days," I said, and she laughed.

"Of course! Albert and I are happy to watch any of our grandchildren at any time," she said, letting Stephanie toddle to my bedside.

"Speaking of, come see your newest one!" Eric said eagerly, holding Jenny in his arms.

As I pulled Stephanie up onto my bed beside me, Albert and Connie joined Eric in fawning over our youngest daughter.

"Baby sister?" Stephanie asked, pointing at Jenny. "Wif Daddy?"

"That's right! Here Eric, let Stephie see her new sister," I said.

He carefully handed her off to me and I helped Stephanie to hold her. She stared at Jenny in bewilderment, shaking her head.

"What do you think?" Eric asked, ruffling her hair, and Stephanie just shook her head again.

"Paulie looked at Loretta the same way when he first saw her," Connie said, and I smiled as I saw Eric's cheeks grow pink.

"Maybe you'll be the opposite of us, going two girls and a boy rather than a boy and two girls," Albert said, and I gave Eric a smile.

"Well, we'll have to see what the future holds."

After visiting for a bit longer, Albert and Connie said their goodbyes, Eric and Stephanie going with them to grab lunch. I took the opportunity to pick up the phone, dialing Shannon's number.

Shannon: Well?? How's baby Jen doing?!

I smiled, looking at my new daughter as she slept in my arm.

"Oh she's just adorable, she really is," I murmured. "How's Sophie?"

Shannon: Oh she's perfect, Nick's still got no idea exactly what's going on and Gene's a nervous mess because he's not sure how to raise a girl he said, but it's clear he loves her dearly. How's Eric?

"He's perfect as always. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for taking me with you to that concert," I said, heart fluttering as I reminisced on Eric and I's first meeting.

Shannon: Well you're my best friend, of course I wanted you to go with me! Gosh you just want to be me so badly don't you? First you start dating a member of KISS once I start doing that, then you get pregnant a few months after I did, and now you've gone and gotten pregnant after me again.

I laughed at the teasing in her voice.

"Well what can I say? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

We talked for awhile longer before Sophie began to fuss, promising we'd try and visit each other as soon as we could before saying our goodbyes. The door opened and Eric walked back in, giving me a smile and carefully taking Jenny from my arms.

"Hello Sport," he murmured, and I let out a laugh, rolling my eyes.

"You're never going to convince me, I hope you know that," I said, and he grinned, eyes sparkling.

"You say that now, but we'll see."

"I really don't think we will," I said, smiling as he gave me a kiss.

There was a warm silence before he turned to me.

"So...so like what my parents were saying, what would you--"

"Ah-ah-ah we can't talk about that yet! Every time we have in the past I've wound up pregnant soon after, we're not taking that chance while Jenny is so young. Come back to me in a year or two," I said, and he grinned.

"Believe me, I will. Nothing makes me happier than you and our family, I'd never pass on the chance to make it grow, no matter how long I have to wait."

I sat up, pulling him into a deep kiss.

"And that, my sweet Honeybee, is just one of the countless reasons I love you."

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon