New Plan

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Gene POV

I sat on the edge of our bed, trying desperately to get Shannon to talk to me rather than continue to ignore me the way she had been ever since she thought she caught me cheating.

"Shannon please, give me a chance to explain!" I begged, trying to take her hand, but she pulled away, lying in bed with her back facing me and wrapping the covers around herself.

Taking the hint, I grabbed a spare blanket from the linen closet, setting up a makeshift bed on the couch again and mentally cursing myself. Of course she'd be furious at me. For all she knew, I had been trying to cheat on her after swearing I was done doing that, that the only person I cared about was her.

She wasn't in a better mood in the morning and after a few more failed attempts to talk to her, I let it lie for the moment.

"I'm going to head to the stadium, if you're up for watching the show you know where to go. If you need anything in the meantime just call me. I love you," I said.

She just shrugged her shoulders, still keeping her back turned toward me, and I let out a sigh, heading to the stadium in search of Eric. His relationship was perfect, if anyone could help me fix mine it was him.

"Hey Eric," I said as I walked into the dressing room. "I really need your help."

"Oh great, what'd you do this time?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Shannon thinks I cheated her and I know what it sounds like and you probably think I did but I swear I didn't this time! I ran into someone backstage who was looking for Paul, she had a really pretty necklace on that I thought would look great on Shannon so I told her I liked her necklace and it would suit my girlfriend perfectly and she told me to take it, I tried to refuse but she insisted so I gave her a hug to thank her and Shannon saw right as I let go, I have the necklace to prove it and everything," I said breathlessly.

"Just show her the necklace and explain things. I've got my own issues to worry about, Y/N is upset over something but she won't talk to me and I don't know what to do," he said.

"Oh...she's upset because she thinks you're cheating on her the way Gene is on Shannon," Bruce said quietly, and Eric whirled to stare at him.

"What?! I'd never do that! How do you even know that?!" he cried, and Bruce went pink.

"She um...she was in the dressing room yesterday looking for you, and I told her I wasn't quite sure where you were but I thought you were getting coffee and she began to cry and told me she knew you were cheating on her. I tried to tell her you weren't and you never would but...yeah," he said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"I don't know, I wasn't sure if it was my place to," he mumbled. "She asked me not to, I didn't want to upset her."

Eric turned to me, eyes narrowing to furious slits. "This is all your fault! Dammit you asshole, if you would just stop being such a jerk to your girlfriend, my girlfriend wouldn't be such an emotional wreck!"

"I didn't do anything!" I protested. "I was trying to be nice!"

"Oh right sure, because if there's one thing I believe it's that you turned down the opportunity to have sex," he said sarcastically.

"I did this time!"

"I really don't—"

"Look, Gene just bring her a nice meal up to her room with the necklace on the tray and just tell her what happened anyway, regardless of if she's speaking to you yet or not. Eric, sit down with Y/N, tell her you understand she's emotional right now but you'd never dream of doing that to her and that she's always able to talk to you about any fears," Bruce snapped, silencing Eric and I's argument. "Now shut up and let me focus."

There was a pause as Eric and I looked at each other before he sighed.

"Sorry. Just a bit stressed. It's—"

"Hard to manage the band and taking care of your girlfriend and preparing to have a baby. I get it," I said with a small smile.


"Thanks for the advice Bruce, I'll do that after the show," I said, and he shrugged.

"Yeah you can repay me in cash, engagement rings are expensive as hell," he said with a grin, and Eric laughed, hugging him.

"If Y/N calms down I'll slide you a $20 and we'll call it even."

"Maybe tack a few extra zeroes on there," Bruce retorted.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now