Bet On It

440 17 7

~Time Skip 1 More Month!~

Eric POV

I stood beside Y/N's side, holding her hand tightly.

"How're you holding up?" I asked, giving her fingers a kiss.

She gave me a small smile, face pale.

"I'm alright. The epidural is helping," she said, squeezing my hand. "Helping me, at least. Certainly didn't help you."

I shuddered just thinking about it. I had nearly passed out having to watch them stick a needle in her spine, something that amused Y/N to no end, as she had been teasing me since I had mumbled a need for fresh air and stepped out of the room for a moment.

"Well, as long as it helps you, that's what matters," I said.

She let out a sigh, resting a hand on her baby bump.

"I'm worried," she said quietly.

"What's worrying you?" I asked, sitting beside her bed so I was closer to eye level to her.

"I don't know. They don't feel as active as Stephanie was while I was giving birth to her. I'm worried something's wrong, that it's--"

"Hey. Don't say that," I murmured. "Everything's fine. Stephie was just in a rush to see us, that's all. Hell, she didn't even give us the chance to get to the hospital," I said, trying to cheer her up, but she didn't smile.

"What if something is wrong?"

"Nothing is. We just heard their heartbeat a few hours ago, remember? It's all gonna be fine," I said soothingly.

She sighed again, giving my hand another squeeze.

"I hope you're right," she mumbled.

"I am right. Come on, Shannon had Sophie just fine last month, nothing's going to happen to our baby either."

She winced, shifting a bit.

"I just want this to be over. I didn't expect it to be so much more difficult this time, I thought the first child was supposed to be harder."

"Well, I'm sure it'll be over quickly! Then we'll be holding our baby in our arms. You think it's a boy or a girl?" I asked, trying to change the subject to take her mind off things.

She frowned, rubbing small circles on her baby bump.

"I think it's a girl."

"Oh, well that works perfect because I think it's a boy, so we can have a little wager to see who's right," I teased.

She laughed, giving me a grin.

"Eric Carr, we are not placing bets on our baby," she said.

"Aw come on, it'll be fun! It's just a harmless bet, we'll do like $10!" I said, relieved to see I was simultaneously distracting her and cheering her up.

"How about this? If it's a girl, you're going to take me out to a fancy restaurant of my choice. If it's a boy, I'll take you to a fancy restaurant of your choice," she said.

Smiling, I leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"I'll start thinking of where I want to go to dinner," I teased.

She giggled, playing with my curls.

"You lovable goofball. My gosh I couldn't be happier than I am with you."

"Well that makes two of us," I said, kissing her again.

A nurse walked in, doing a brief physical exam.

"Well, it looks like you're fully dilated, are you ready to begin?" she asked, and Y/N gave me a smile, eyes sparkling, as my heart began to race.


I smiled down at Jennifer Shannon Carr, gently smoothing back her wispy curls. She had far more hair than Stephanie had when she was a newborn, although that wasn't saying much.

"I think I'll have you take me to a steak house. Red meat and wine sounds unbelievably delicious," I said, giving Eric a smile.

He laughed, leaning over and kissing me.

"Ah, we did make a wager. Gosh I couldn't care less about the outcome, not when we've got such a beautiful daughter," he murmured, looking at Jennifer with tears welling up in his eyes. "Can I hold her?"

"When she's done nursing, yes," I said, giving him a kiss.

He let out a sigh, resting a hand on our daughter's head.

"Hurry up and finish drinking, I wanna hold you," he said, and I laughed.

"Eric! You can't just rush our baby!" I said.

"I'm not rushing! I'm just...I'm just asking! Come on, I've barely gotten to hold her," he said with a pout.

"Oh my gosh you're so dramatic," I giggled. "She was born like forty-five minutes ago! I held her for skin-to-skin while you cut the cord and then she was cleaned and weighed and all that, and then we were moved to this room where she started nursing. You'll have plenty of time to hold our daughter."

"Well I've got skin, I could do skin-to-skin contact," he grumbled.

I reached over, pinching his cheek affectionately.

"Eric Carr. You are my favorite person, did you know that? There will never be enough words for me to be able to say how much I love you and our daughters," I said, carefully passing Jennifer to him as she pulled away, having drunk her fill.

His face absolutely lit up as he held her for the first time, tears running down his cheeks.

"You make the world perfect," he murmured, and I smiled.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now