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~Time Skip 6 Months!~


I stood over the crib, looking down at our youngest son. A pair of arms slipped around my waist, giving me an affectionate squeeze, and I smiled, turning enough to kiss Eric on the cheek.

"Hello Honeybee," I murmured.

"Hello Bunny," he said fondly, trailing kisses from my cheek down my jawline and neck. "How's Chris?" 

"Fast asleep, thankfully. Danny go back to sleep alright?" I asked.

"Out like a light. All three of them are after bedtime stories," he said. 

I leaned back against him, letting his arms encircle me more. We stood in a warm silence before he let out a chuckle, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me bridal style downstairs to the couch. He sat down, holding me on his lap, and I had no intentions of moving anywhere else. 

"So...I was thinking..." he said slowly, and I smiled.

"What were you thinking of?" I asked.

"'s almost our five year wedding anniversary," he said. "And I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do a little trip just the two of us to celebrate? Not-not a long one or anything! Just a day or two is what I was thinking, since we've got the kids and all!"

I closed my eyes, snuggling deeper into his chest.

"That sounds absolutely perfect. My gosh, how has it been five years?" I asked.

"Well, it could've been more. Could've been over ten, if I hadn't been so shy when we first met," he said sheepishly.

"I'm glad we've had five years as a married couple, and more years as just a couple, and even more as friends. Every day you've been in my life has been perfect. Hey, it's been over ten years since we met and we've only really had one fight. I'd say that's pretty good odds," I said, smiling.

He showered me in kisses, squeezing me gently.

"We've got the perfect family too. All our kids are just perfect," he murmured. "We've got the sweetest babies, we really do." 

"I like how we've spaced them out," I mused. "Stephanie's seven, then we've got Jenny who's five, and Danny who's three, and Chris is nearly one." 

"Well you know what that means, right?" he asked.

"Mm what?" 

"It means we've gotta have another baby next year, when Chris is two," he teased.

I giggled, stretching up and kissing him. 

"We'll see. I mean come on, we can't have babies forever," I said, and he grinned.

"No. But we could have one more," he said with a wink.

I pinched him on the cheek, heart soft. 

"We'll see. Let's focus on our newest baby right now, alright?" 

"You know I'm more than happy to do that. I'm more than happy just spending time with my beautiful wife and our perfect children and then going on tour with Bruce and our band," he said, and I nearly melted at the love and excitement in his voice.

"I'm so glad that's been working out so well. It's nice to see you happy with music again," I murmured, and he kissed me.

"You've got no idea how much it means to me to have your support. I couldn't do it without you behind me, I really couldn't." 

"Well, you'll never have to. I've got no plans of being anywhere but by your side for the rest of my life." 

"That's good, because that's my plan too. We'll be together for the rest of our very long lives," he said softly.

I opened my eyes, looking up at him, and smiled, reaching up to run a hand through his curls. 

"You think you'll love me as much when I'm old and gray and ugly?" I teased.

"You'll be old and gray but ugly? Not a chance, my love. I've never seen a more beautiful woman in my life, not since I first laid eyes on you, and I never will. You're the eighth wonder of the world, you know that? I called the history books about it yesterday." 

My cheeks went pink and he smiled.

"Look at that. All these years and I can still make you blush," he said, giving me a kiss. 

"You're such a sweetheart, I can't help it," I said. "I love you." 

"I love you too." 


***Oh I'm so sorry to see this story end! I do think it's my longest one yet, I hope it wasn't too long to you! Thank you all so very much for the love and support, it truly means the world to me! Seeing the comments you all have left always brightens my day tremendously! Next I plan on working on one-shots as well as finally finishing Hard Times, and then after that I'll be starting on a new story! Won't say what it is yet though! 😉Much love to you all!***

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now