Bit of a Mess

424 17 12

~Time Skip Six Months!~


I sat on the floor with Danny, smiling as he did his best to push himself upright.

"Come on, you can do it," I said encouragingly.

"Ah!" he babbled, finally pushing himself onto all fours before plopping back dramatically, sitting up on his own. 

"Good job!" I cooed, kissing him on the forehead. "Oh I'm so proud of you!" 

Danny burbled happily, looking immensely pleased with himself, and I felt my heart melt. He looked just like Eric, with mounds of thick black curls that the hairdresser always dreaded cutting, the same button nose and warm brown eyes. It was funny how I thought all our kids looked like him while he swore I was crazy and they all looked like me. 

"Jenny! Oh my gosh what did you do?!" Eric cried suddenly from the kitchen. 

I jumped to my feet, scooping up Danny and walked into the kitchen, mouth dropping open. Jenny was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, covered from head to toe in flour. 

"Oh my goodness," I said, covering my mouth with my hand to hide my smile. 

"How did you even get into the cabinet?!" Eric asked, picking her up and doing his best to dust her off, only succeeding in covering himself in flour too. 

"I climb!" Jenny said proudly. 

"I thought you were playing outside with your sister and the dog! What happened to that?" Eric asked, starting to tug off her clothes. "My gosh there's flour everywhere!" 

Still fighting back a smile, I walked over, kissing him on the cheek.

"Well lucky for us it won't be too hard to clean up. And Danny sat up on his own!" I said.

Eric's face absolutely lit up and he gave Danny a wide smile, ruffling his hair.

"Good job! Oh I'm so proud of you!" he said. "That's amazing!" 

"It is! Now you get the kitchen clean, I'll get our daughter clean," I said, shifting Danny to one arm so I could carry Jenny with the other. 

I brought her upstairs, sitting her on the bathroom counter and running a bath. 

"Next time stay out of cabinets, alright sweetheart? I know you're getting bigger and are good at climbing but it can be dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt. You can climb trees when either Daddy or I is watching, okay?" I said. 

Her lip quivered before she burst into tears.

"Sorry Momma!" she wailed. 

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, wiping tears off her cheeks as Danny chewed on my shirt. 

"It's okay! No one's mad at you! You're a curious little girl and didn't realize you were making such a mess. Don't you worry about it, you're not in trouble, just don't do it again okay?"

"Okay," she mumbled, still sniffling.

"I love you!" I said, scooping her up and showering her in kisses, making her giggle as I tickled her before setting her gently in the tub. "Hey Honeybee? Can you come grab Danny while I give Jenny a bath?" I called down the stairs. 

Eric walked into the bathroom, still covered in flour himself, and took Danny from me, tossing him in the air before catching him, making him squeal with laughter. 

"Of course I can grab my son! He can come sit in his high chair and have some cereal while I finish cleaning up," he said, kissing me before walking back downstairs. 

I was just about halfway through washing Jenny when the backyard door slammed open.

"Mommaaaaa I fell in mud!" Stephanie shouted, and I sighed. 

"Eric? Can you bring her up here? I'll just throw her in the bath!" I said. 

"No! Not a bath!" she shrieked, and I could hear Eric chuckle.

"Nice try sweetheart, but either you get a bath or we hose you down with Vintage," he said, setting her down on the bathroom floor.

I stared at her in shock. 

"Oh my goodness! Stephie what happened?!" I asked in disbelief. 

"I was playing wif Vintage an' then I tripped an' I fell," she said. 

"Are you hurt?" I asked, and she shook her head.


"Alright, well get your clothes off and get in the tub," I said with a sigh, lifting out the now-clean Jenny and toweling her off. 

Finally I had gotten both my daughters cleaned up, throwing their clothes in the wash before stretching with a yawn, returning to the kitchen. Eric gave me a smile, looking up from setting four plates of cake leftover from Stephanie's fifth birthday two days ago on the table. 

"I thought we could have some snack!" he said, and Danny fussed when he saw me, holding out his arms and bouncing up and down in his highchair. 

"Thank you Honeybee," I said, kissing my perfect husband on the cheek as he set our daughters in their chairs while I lifted Danny from his highchair, sitting him on my lap as we all had our snack.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now