Check Up

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~Time Skip 6 Months!~


I woke up in the middle of the night without quite knowing why, rolling over to find an empty bed. Frowning, I sat up, eyes adjusting to the dark, until I saw Eric in the rocking chair holding Stephanie in his arms, bottle resting on her tummy since they were now both fast asleep. Despite being asleep, Eric was still gently rocking them back and forth.

Smiling, I slid out of bed, setting aside the half empty bottle and gently taking Stephanie from him, laying her back down in her crib. Once she was taken care of, I turned back to Eric.

"Hey. Honeybee. Wake up," I said, kissing him on the nose.

He jerked awake, looking around in confusion before staring at his empty arms in horror.

"Oh no I lost the baby," he said, giving me a wide-eyed look.

Giggling, I pulled him to his feet.

"She's asleep in her crib, I put her there. Come back to bed."

He gave me a kiss, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Bunny. You're a wonderful mother," he murmured, lying beside me and wrapping me in his arms.

"And there's no better father in the world," I said, kissing him.

Later that morning I sat at the table, nursing Stephanie as Eric cooked breakfast.

"You should've woken me up when she did!" I said, stroking our daughter's very wispy hair which always caused Eric so much heartache. He loved Steph completely of course but was also hoping desperately she'd have curls like his when she got older, instead of still being rather bald.

"I know, but you were sleeping! Gosh I can't wait until she sleeps through the night completely," he said, buttering some toast for me.

"Eric Carr!" I cried, and he jumped, giving me a startled look. "You told me she started sleeping through the night a month ago!"

His face grew red and he shrugged, shifting uneasily.


"Have you just been letting me sleep while you take care of her at night? Oh my gosh of course, that's why you asked me to bottle some milk," I said.

"But you always look so peaceful when you sleep, I feel so bad when you get woken up! I just grab Stephanie the instant she cries at all and take her to the living room so you can keep sleeping! Besides, I like spending time with her," he said, giving me a mournful look, making his soft brown eyes as big and round as possible, melting my heart.

"You are the sweetest thing," I murmured, putting Stephanie on my shoulder to burp her. "But she's my baby too, we're both parents, it's not fair to you to miss out on so much sleep! We agreed we'd alternate, that's the deal. Gosh you poor thing, you must be exhausted," I said.

He gave me a kiss, setting a plate of breakfast in front of me.

"It's worth it to make sure my girlfriend gets enough sleep and that my daughter is taken care of," he said, taking Stephanie and giving her a kiss on the cheek before carefully buckling her in her high chair, setting some dried cereal on her tray.

"Da!" she said, giving him a smile, and Eric smiled back.

"Her doctor's appointment is at 12, don't forget," I said, eating breakfast.

"I know, don't worry! I always like seeing how she's grown," he said. "Wish she'd grow some more hair though."

"Soon babe, soon," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

Stephanie's six month checkup went fine, with her hitting all the major milestones she needed to.

"Alright so since she's six months she'll begin teething soon. Babies will often be in a lot of discomfort, you can ease that by gently rubbing their gums with a clean finger or giving them a teething toy to chew on. You can also give them a clean, wet washcloth," the doctor said.

Eric shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable, while I just nodded.

"Alright, last thing for today is some more immunizations," the doctor said.

"She has to get shots?" Eric asked, eyes wide.

"Mhm, she has five for today," the doctor said, starting to prep the syringes as I pulled off Stephanie's pants, leaving her in just a onesie as she sat on my lap.

"F-five?" Eric asked in disbelief.

"Yes, she's getting her third dose of several vaccinations," the doctor said, approaching with a needle in hand.

Stephanie looked at her in confusion, giving the doctor one of her sweet still-toothless smiles which quickly disappeared as the doctor stuck her in the thigh with the needle. There was a pause before she began to wail.

"Ohh there there sweet pea! I know baby I know, but it's only a little pinch it won't hurt for long I promise," I cooed, trying to soothe her.

"Sorry," Eric mumbled, rising to his feet and stumbling out of the room.

Once all the shots had been given I was able to soothe Stephanie pretty quickly, wiping away the tears on her plump cheeks.

"There, see? All better," I said, giving her forehead a kiss. "And now you won't get sick!"

"Ba!" she babbled, grabbing at my collar.

I talked a bit more with the doctor about milestones we should aim for before gathering up my things and walking out of the room in search of Eric. I found him waiting by the car, having clearly been crying.

"Honeybee what's wrong?" I asked, putting a hand on his cheek.

He gave me a watery smile, taking Stephanie from me.

"I'm sorry, it just hurt to see her in pain, I couldn't bear to watch," he said, holding her tight.

I slipped my arms around his waist, kissing him on the cheek.

"She's just fine now. And it's better for her to deal with a shot than anything the shots protect against."

"I know, I know," he said. "Just a bit protective is all."

Smiling, I gave him a kiss.

"Gosh I love you more than I'll ever be able to say."

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن