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"Hey. Hey Bunny. Wake up, we've landed," Eric said, shaking me gently.

I stirred, lifting my head from the window before looking at him.

"Mm what did you call me?" I mumbled.

He gave me a nervous smile, cheeks going pink. "Um...Bunny? I-I thought it could maybe be a cute nickname for you! I was trying to come up with one while I was in Japan and that's what I landed on and I dunno, I just thought it fit!"

My heart melted and I gave him a kiss.

"You're too sweet," I murmured. "That's such a cute nickname, Foxy."

He pulled a face and I frowned, sitting up all the way.

"You don't like Foxy as a nickname?" I asked.

"Oh no it's not that! It's just that Gene calls me that sometimes, so I'll have to tell him to stop calling me that because I really don't want him to have the same nickname for me as my girlfriend does."

I laughed, playing with his hair.

"I'll see if I can think of something else then. How about Honeybee? You're sweet as honey but always buzzing around since you're so energetic," I teased affectionately.

He gave me a fond smile, kissing me on the nose.

"Bunny and Honeybee. I like it," he said.

Finally we managed to make our way off the plane, Eric carrying my suitcase and his despite my protests.

"So are we going right to your parents' place?" I asked, feeling my heart begin to race at the thought.

He smiled, shaking his head.

"No no, we're not going to see them until tomorrow. First we're going to my place to drop off our stuff, and then we're going out to dinner because I'm starving."

"You always are," I teased, poking him in the stomach.

Eric giggled, swatting my hand away.

"Hey, knock it off! I'm ticklish!" he said defensively.

I laughed, kissing him on the cheek.

"But I like seeing you laugh, Honeybee!" I protested.

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Well now I can't be mad at you. Do you want to just do something easy for dinner?" he asked casually, and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Yes, we can get McDonald's tonight," I said in amused exasperation.

"Yessss," he said under his breath, before kissing me on the cheek, opening the cab door for more. "Thanks Bunny, you're the best!"

We dropped all our luggage off at his apartment before walking the few blocks to the nearest McDonald's, sitting in a booth and enjoying our meals.

"So have you heard from Shannon how Gene feels about the baby?" Eric asked.

I shrugged, eating a fry.

"She said he says he's happy with it but she's worried since he's still a bit in shock. I'm sure it'll work out! You know him better though, what do you think?" I asked.

He shrugged in response.

"I know he loves Shannon a lot, but I also know he's confidently said he'll never have kids and is...well, he's Gene. I think it'll be fine though!"

"It's just too bad they didn't have a chance to talk more about having kids before they did," I said with a sigh, and he nodded, cheeks growing pink.

"Yeah. Maybe...should we maybe talk about having kids? In the future, of course!" he added hastily.

I nodded slowly, feeling my face going red.

"Well...I'd like to have kids in the future. Not yet though, not while you're touring so much. But what do you think?" I asked shyly.

He reached across the table, picking up my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"I think that's exactly what I want as well. Give it a few years, but there's nothing I want more than to have a family with you. For the next three or four years though, I'm going to just enjoy touring the world and spending every day with the most perfect person by my side."

Heart an absolute puddle, I leaned over the table and gave him a kiss.

"I love you so, so much," I said.

"Me too. And gosh I can't wait for tomorrow, my parents are going to love you!" he said eagerly, but I could feel my stomach knot.

I loved Eric dearly but was absolutely terrified of meeting his parents.

***Okay I know what I said in my announcement but I had already written this chapter, after this one I'll be putting this on pause to finish Hard Times!***

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now