All Night

892 18 18

***I wrote a risqué scene in this chapter, you don't have to read it if you don't want to!🤭😳🙈***


I lifted my head from Eric's chest, giving him a smile.

"How was the show?" I asked, giving him a kiss.

"It was good, we played very well. Hopefully you won't be so tired from traveling and can make it to the next one!" he said, smiling.

"Of course I will! I'm just still a bit jetlagged and was going to sleep early before Shannon came over."

"Well you can sleep now," he said, kissing me.

"Mm I could. How tired are you?" I asked playfully, running my fingers along his shoulders.

His hand moved down my back, slipping below my waist.

"If you're asking for what I think you are, not tired at all," he murmured, giving me a smile.

"Well then let's go celebrate completing your first show of the European tour," I said, reaching up to undo the top button of his shirt.

He grabbed my hand, dragging me to our bedroom and shutting the door behind him. Heart pounding, I kissed him, twisting a hand through his hair, feeling his run up and down my back as I slowly pushed him to the bed, sitting on his lap. I began to grind on him without breaking the kiss, fumbling to unbutton more of his shirt. I could feel him harden beneath me, soft moan escaping his lips as I managed to strip off his shirt entirely.

As soon as I had managed to get him halfway undressed he flipped me over, practically caging me with his body as he tore off my shirt, finding the clasp of my bra and unhooking that before casting it aside as well. He showered me in kisses all over my chest and I let out a moan, absolutely enraptured by him.

Soon we had managed to completely strip each other down and he gave me a deep kiss, exploring my mouth with his tongue.

"Ready now love?" he purred, biting seductively at my ear.

"Ohh Eric please!" I cried, wrapping my legs around him.

I could feel him enter me and bit back a gasp, shifting to get more comfortable, able to feel him deep inside me until he began to thrust. I didn't even bother to try and hold back a cry of pleasure, just pulled him closer, never wanting it to end. Eventually we had reached our peaks, him filling me up with him before giving me a kiss and withdrawing.

Afterwards, we laid in bed still wrapped around each other, my head resting on his chest as it heaved slightly.

"So we've got four days until the next show?" I asked.

He nodded, smiling.

"Mhm. Donington on the 20th," he said, giving me a kiss.

"Well if you're not playing tomorrow, why not go ahead and go another round?" I purred. "You've got no reason to get much sleep tonight."

"My dear sweet love of my life, that is not at all a question that needs to be asked twice," he said, flipping over so he was on top of me.

I didn't bother to ask if he was wearing protection, knowing he wasn't and confident in my birth control to be more than good enough, in the heat of the moment forgetting what had happened when we passed through customs a few days ago.

Who Wants to Be Lonely: A Y/N x Eric Carr StoryWhere stories live. Discover now