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In a neighborhood in Ridge Boulvard, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn there stood a tall building, adjacent to a kids park, filled with greenery. The building was atleast of 10 storeys that had least of two residential apartments on each floor. From outside it looked old, as if built decades ago or maybe it was it's rustic color that made it seem so. Whatever the reason was the building was strong, built of concrete.

On the 4th floor, in one of the 2bhk apartments lived Scarlett with her roommate and friend, Elena Heart.

Scarlett looked herself in the mirror, her hands roamed up and down her body straightening any creases that formed on her forest green pencil dress, that fit her curvilinear body as if it was made for her. Her mahogany brown hair softly reflected the sunrays which gave her cheeks a rosy tint. She did a little make up, just enough to enhance her natural features and completed her look by applying red lipstick on her cherry lips. Once she was satisfied with her look she exited her room and was greeted by Elena, who had prepared breakfast for them.

"Good morning, gorgeous." She said. From her cheerful voice and vibrant attire, one can easily tell that she had a bouncy personality. With her coral black hair, dark blue eyes and comely figure, she could get any man weak at his knees.

"Morning, Ele." Scarlett smiled, sitting down on a chair opposite to her. Elena poured them coffee and passed her a plate with pancakes.

"What have I done without you ?" Scarlett grinned.

"Died eating the food you would have cooked." She joked.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." They laughed. Just then, Scarlett's phone buzzed and mom flashed on the screen.

"Good morning, mumma."

"Good morning, honey ?" Her mother replied in her sugary voice.

Katherine Jones, Scarlett's mother was
a beautiful middle aged lady with chestnut brown hair and dark bark coloured eyes. She wasn't just an attractive woman but she was beautiful, with her bubbly personality. The woman that spreads happiness anywhere she goes and even though she had to raise Scarlett alone because she was a result of a summer fling and her father didn't want her, Katherine passed her charming personality to her.

"Are you ready for the interview, baby."

"She better be, Ms.Jones." Elena yelled before Scarlett could even answer, earning a laugh from Katherine.

"I am, mom."

"You ate something ?" Just like any other concerned mother, she asked.

"I was about to."

"Oh, you better not be late. Go and eat. Call me later. Take care, baby." Scarlett smiled.

"Sure mom. Take care you too." She replied and hung up the call.

"I just love your mom." Elena gushed. Scarlett chuckled.

"Anyways, so now that you're gonna work for the greek God himself. Let me give you a pro tip."

"I guess I know what it is. But you may proceed."

"Thank you very much. So, now, since you know it's about two months that I am working as a chef in the PARADISE. I get to see them pretty often. And let me tell you he is a..."

"Sexy piece of art."

"Exactly. He is much more gorgeous than he looks in those photoshoots. I mean Mr. Williams is hot as hell. But he is off limits and anyways I ship Mr. and Mrs. Williams.."

"Not again." Scarlett sighed and listened to Elena's blabber until she finished her breakfast.

"You know what, I should get going or I'll be fired before getting approved."

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