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By and by the next morning came, sun had brightened up the streets with it's morning glow. With heart pounding loudly in her chest and pulse racing, Scarlett reached Emily's cabin and knocked.

"Come in." She heard her say. Scarlett gently pushed open the door.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"Good morning, Ms.Jones and please call me Mrs.Everdeen or Emily."

"Sure Mrs.Everdeen." Emily gave her short smile.

"Please be seated." Scarlett nodded.

"You're on time. That's good." Emily said looking at the digital clock kept on the desk. Scarlett smiled.

"Mr.Hayes will be here shortly but before he is. Let me brief to you, your job as his PA."


"Mr.Hayes is very punctual and he expects so from all his employees. He is in his office sharp at 8:30a.m." Scarlett intently listened to her. "Schedule his day, mark the priority calls and meetings and then get them classified according to Mr.Hayes."


"He has no fixed time for coffee, so whenever you think he is stressed or over burdened, just get him a coffee and if he loses track of time, just remind him when it's 2 pm. No matter what." Scarlett's brows knitted together in confusion.

"May I know, what's so important ?" Emily's lips curved up and eyes sparkled displaying the happiness that flowed through her.

"Theo's school get's over at 2:15p.m and he wouldn't come home with anyone else but Mr. or Mrs.Williams or Mr.Hayes and since Mr. and Mrs.Williams are on a small vacation, Mr.Hayes is his guardian.

"Ohhh, that's really sweet." Scarlett said as her mind got engrossed in her own fantasies, "How can someone be hot as hell and still so sweet."  Her eyes got a dreamy look.

"Huh." A sigh, soft and gentle escaped her cherry lips.

"Is everything fine, Ms.Jones ?" Emily's voice interrupted her thoughts.


"Okay." Emily said and stood up followed by Scarlett.

"He'll be there any minute, I'll set up his desk." She spoke, grabbing a couple of files.

"Let me." 

"Sure." She handed the files to her and they went to his cabin.

As soon as she entered inside the office, her eyes scanned her surrounding. The aura was cool and quiet. From the large glass windows, she could see another buildings, and sunlit trees across the street. She placed the documents on the large glass table placed at the centre of the cabin.

Just in time, the door flung open again. She turned and all of sudden time seemed to have slowed down for her, her heartbeat accelerated. Her breath became heavy at the mere sight of Markus. Her eyes moved up and down, absorbing him in.

As she watched, she thought that every word Elena said was one hundred percent correct, he indeed was a sexy piece of art, looking much more gorgeous than in any photoshoot. His rich black heavens was neatly combed.  His nose was hawkish and he had defined cheeks carved down towards his basalt jaw, obsecured by a gritty stubble.

"Good morning, Markus." She heard Emily say and broke out of her daydream. Awkwardly, she averted her gaze, "Stupid you." She muttered underneath her breath.

"Good morning, Emily." He replied. Upon hearing his deep and husky voice, she got goosebumps. She breathed in his cologne that filled the room and refocused her gaze at him to find his serene blue eyes looking at her with curiosity.

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