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On an isolated beach, nestled within a dense forest,stood a small wooden house. Inside, a man in his early 60s chopped fresh vegetables while humming when he sensed a presence behind him.

"I was expecting you." He acknowledged, recognizing the visitor.

"How could I not visit you ?" The man replied, his voice calm tinged with menace.

"Omelette ?" The man questioned
setting two plates on the table and retrieving two bottles of beer from the refrigerator.

"I hope your taste hasn't changed over the years. Huh Brendon ?"

"Absolutely not, father." Brendon affirmed, emphasising on the last word.

The man forced a smile, positioning himself across Brendon. Just as he was about to take the first bite, Brendon drew a knife swiftly and placed it under Damon's (aka Father) chin. Unfazed, the old man glared at him.

"You're pitiful, thinking it's a friendly gathering." Brendon bellowed, flipping over the table in rage.

"Watch your tone with me, young man." The old man retorted. Brendon's face got a bitter look as he said "Shut up, you bastard. I am not one of your dogs anymore. You have ruined my fucking life."

"You ruined it yourself." The old man calmly replied.

"Old habits die hard. Huh !" Brendon remarked, distancing himself.

"You'll die and Marcus would be next." He seethed as a smile crept across the old man's face. Enraged, Brendon lunged at him, thrusting his knife into the old man's chest.


Markus was sleeping soundly with his bare back on the show, when he was abruptly awakened by his ringing phone. Half asleep, he answered the call to find Sam on the other side.

"What happened bro ?" He muttered in a deep, husky voice.

"He has killed father." Sam answered, shocking Markus awake, sleep disappeared from his eyes as they widened up in sheer disbelief.

"What the fuck are you saying ?"

"Rick used to visit him weekly to deliver some necessities. This morning when he visited there, he found him dead along with a note."

"What note ?" Markus further questioned, his voice grew hoarse, strained suppressed rage.

"It said that you're next." Markus' clenched fists trembled with the intensity of his wrath.

"I'll fucking kill him"

"We will, but right now you'll have to control yourself."

"Control ? How the fuck do you want me to control myself." He yelled.

"Right now, he is having an advantage. We don't have any fucking idea about his location. He is a fucking ghost." He paused. "We need to stay alert until we find something." Markus felt vanquished, powerless, unable to do anything.

"I am coming back." Defeated, he uttered.

"No. I'll go. You stay there and finish the work." Sam waited for his reponse but he received none. "Listen man, a snake can't stay hidden in its burrow forever. Eventually it'll reveal itself. We'll just need to be patient until then. Do you understand ?"


"Good." Sam said before ending the call.
Markus flung his phone at the edge of the bed in frustration, then massaged his throbbing forehead.

A few minutes had passed when he heard a gentle knock on the door followed by Scarlett's soothing voice. He let out a sigh and opened the door, revealing a concerned looking Scarlett.

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