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Sam woke up with a pungent smell of disinfectant and distant murmurs. He slowly opened his eyes, squinting to bring the blurry images into focus, while gently massaging his throbbing temple.

"Markus ?" He called out, gaining his attention.

"Buddy." Markus responded, rushing to his side.

"Where am I ?" Sam asked, still under the influence of the sedative.

"You're in the hospital." Markus informed him.

"Hospital ?" Sam muttered in confusion and then it hit him like a bolt. Memories flooded his mind as he jolted upright, feeling a sharp pain erupt in his body, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Easy, man." Markus held him, offering support.

"Chloe...Theo." Sam managed to say, his voice trembling with fear. "Where are they ?" He asked, his voice was brimming with apprehension.

Markus glanced at the room behind Sam, who followed Markus' gaze. Sam's heart sank as he parted his lips, feeling his throat tighten. He slipped out of the bed and approached the glass window, separating the rooms.

Instinctively, his hand traced the cold surface, a single tear fell his eyes as he gazed at his unconscious wife and son, in the ICU, IV punctured their wrinkled skin, pumping medications in their bodies.

Minor wounds were visible on Theo's arms, but for a kid, they were undoubtedly painful. As for Chloe, she seemed severely injured, her head and arms were bandaged.

"Officers told me, she had him secured in her arms when they evacuated all of you out of the car." Markus shared, his voice filled with pride and sympathy. Sam turned his face, revealing his bloodshot red eyes, filled with pain. Markus pulled him into a tight hug, as tears streamed down Sam's eyes. Anger coursed  through Markus as he vowed to make the person responsible pay.

Scarlett stood nearby, wiping her tears as she witnessed the heart wrenching scene  before her.

A doctor guided them inside the ICU, Apart from their heavy breaths and beeping sound of the machines, silence enveloped the room.

Sam approached his son, softly holding his hand and placing a lingering kiss on his forehead, he whispered, "I am sorry, buddy." Then he shifted his attention on Chloe, and sat next to her, "I am sorry, my love." He muttered, gently stroking her hair before planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

Markus, who was witnessing the scene in front of his eyes, rushed outside with Scarlett following closely behind. She saw him slumped on a hospital bench, his head resting in between his palms.Settlind down beside him, she  placed her hand on his shoulder, offering him all the comfort that she could. He lifted his face, and their eyes met. His eyes were blazing red with pain and anger, breaking her heart at sight.

Without hesitating, she embraced him in his arms. He nestled deeper into her warmth, pouring out his grief., "They're here because of me." Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered, "They are here because of those people, Markus. And I know you are hurting, but right now he needs you the most."


Sam stood at the balcony, staring blankly at the dark cloudy sky outside. It felt as if he was plummeting into an endless abyss, with no solid ground to land on. He had been bruised and wounded countless times before, even stared death in the face but the pain of seeing his wife and son in such a situation was the worst of them all.

"Hey." He heard Markus' voice and cast a sidelong glance at him before refocusing his attention ahead. A sigh of guilt escaped Markus' lips as he approached Sam, standing next to him, leaning over the railing.

"I am sorry." He apologised.

"It's none of your fault. If anyone is at fault, it's me." Sam replied, turning his face to meet Markus' eyes, "I wasn't vigilant enough." Markus wanted to console him with words but no coherent sentence formed in his mind. So, he just stood next to him, following Sam's gaze, and his eyes landed on a park, the place where kids play and laugh along with their parents.

"What exactly happened there ?" Markus asked, prompting Sam to close his eyes and recall the events that unfolded earlier.

"Chloe and I were cooking while Theo was playing when there was a knock at the door...."


"Sir, It's police officers." One of the security personnel informed them.

"Let him in." Sam commanded. The door opened, and a man in police uniform entered the room. His flawless black skin bore slight wrinkles, indicating at his age. A well-groomed beard obscured his jaw, and his physique appeared as firm as a rock.

"Samuel, Mrs.Williams" He greeted them. Chloe managed a faint smile and motioned for him to take a seat.

"What happened, Smith ?" Sam asked, taking a seat across from him while Chloe served him a cup of coffee and settled next to Sam. Smith leaned forward, the tension evident on his face.

"We received a call from an anonymous informant, warning us that your lives are   in danger. It may be just a random call, but given the circumstances, we can't take it lightly."

"What are you implying, Smith ?"

" I would suggest that you and your family come with my team. We'll take you to the police headquarters. If the information is correct, we don't think the person would be bold enough to attack you there."

Sam sighed and leaned back in his chair, "I don't think, he would dare to attack my house as well."

"Look man, I come here as a friend. I have known you for long enough and I know that you're capable of protecting your family but if things went downhill, I won't be able to help." He explained. "But right now, I can." Sam gazed intently at him, feeling a soft touch on his hand. Chloe gave him a subtle nod and they decided to accompany police.

Two cars awaited them outside. They got inside the car quickly and their ride began. However, as the cars reached the main road, a speeding bus suddenly veered towards them. Panic surged through the car. Time seemed to slow down as Chloe held Theo tightly in her arms, while Sam tried to shield them. But in the blink of an eye, the bus collided with their car, flipping it over.

"Theo... Chloe," Sam called out before darkness engulfed him.


"Next, I remember waking up in a hospital bed while my wife and son are in the fucking ICU." Sam said, his voice laced with anger, pain and agony.

"Is Smith alive ?" Sam asked. Markus shook his head in negative. "He was a good man." He added. Sam nodded in agreement.

Just then the gate swung open, catching their attention. They turned to see Scarlett standing in the doorway, her voice trembling, "They're awake."


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