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Adam graciously held the door open for Scarlett, extending his hand for her like a gentleman. With a touch of elegance, she placed her delicate hand in his and gracefully stepped out of the car. Adam guided her towards the entrance while discreetly communicating through the intercom, ensuring his team was in position.

Meanwhile, Miles rushed to the top of a building across the street, with binoculars in hand, taking in the panoramic view, he reported, "I am in position."

Markus stealthily entered inside amidst the chaotic crowd, a sea of bodies where one could easily disappear, "I am in." He relayed through communication device. "Keep an eye on him. Don't let him slip away."

With the stage set, Adam addressed Miles, "On your mark, man." As they made their way to the counter, he turned his attention to Scarlett.

"Drink ?" He asked her. Her sudden change in demeanor did not go unnoticed by Adam. Sensing her apprehension, he gently held her hand, offering reassurance, "Hey, you have got this." Mustering up all the courage, she nodded, "Yes. I can do it." ,

From a distance, Markus spotted them and they made an eye contact, exchanging subtle nod of acknowledgement.

"Adam, Hudson's car has just arrived. He is accompanied by four heavily built bodyguards and he does carry a black suitcase with him." Miles informed his team.

"Understood." He replied. "It's our turn now." He conveyed the message to Scarlett, who once again nodded in understanding.

As they sipped on their drinks, engaging in casual conversation while keeping a watchful eye on Hudson, he settled comfortably on a regal sofa, surrounded by a group of people vying for his attention. Laughter filled the air as he reveled in the pleasure of the moment.

With a nod of approval from Markus, it was Scarlett's turn to execute the plan. "Sorry." She whispered to Adam before pushing him away. "You rascal, scoundrel. How can you cheat on me ? Why would you even do that ? Was I not good enough for you ?" She screamed, holding him by his collar and thereby creating a scene that drew the attention of the crowd.

Curiosity piqued, Hudson inquired about the commotion from a nearby waiter. "What's happening over there?"

"Some woman is creating a commotion, apparently because her boyfriend cheated on her." The waiter explained, pointing in Scarlett's direction. As Hudson's gaze followed the waiter's gesture, he noticed Scarlett storming off towards the washroom.

"He is headed your way, Scarlett." Markus informed her. "Okay." She replied, taking a deep breath to steady herself. Placing her hands on the sink, whispered to herself, "Did I really just do that." A smile crept across her face, fueled by a surge of adrenaline.

"He is waiting for you at the counter. Show him what you got." Adam suggested. She elegantly emerged out of the bathroom, her hips swaying in a way,  that could get any man weak at their knees. Though she had noticed him, Scarlett walked past him, enticing him towards her like a moth to a flame.

"In a hurry, Ms. Jones." He remarked, unable to resist her lure. She turned.

"Mr. Hudson, what a surprise to find you here." She teased, her voice filled with a hint of allure.

"Likewise." He replied, shamelessly checking her out. A wave of disgust ran through her, but she maintained her facade.

"Care to join me for a drink ?" He invited, his intentions, as transparent as a crystal. She played along, accepting his offer in a seductive tone. He ordered a mocktail for her and scotch for himself.

"So, what brings a busy man like you to the USA, let alone in a club ?" She asked.

"I had a meeting scheduled, but it got canceled at the last minute. So, I saw it as an opportunity to indulge in some exploration," He explained.

"Well we got a chance to meet."

"Indeed. So, what happened there ?" He asked, genuinely interested. Scarlett feigned anger and replied, "My scoundrel boyfriend cheated on me and what's worse, he showed no remorse." She directed her attention to Adam, who was making out with a random girl. Hudson followed his gaze, rolling his eyes, he remarked, leaning closer to her, "Not all men have a good taste, Ms.Jones."

"And what about you? Do you have a good taste ?" She flirted. Scarlett's performance was so convincing that even Markus, watching from a distance, had to remind himself that it was just an act. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in her as he saw her handle the situation with such grace and skill.

"I can demonstrate that." Hudson insinuated, a confident smirk gracing his lips. Emboldened by his response, she stood up from her seat, catching his eye as she strode towards a secluded corner of the club. She turned, giving him a lingering look, enticing him to follow.

Amused, he finished his drink in one gulp, ready to indulge in the tempting encounter when he was stopped by his bodyguard, causing Hudson to shoot a furious glare at him.

"Sir, let me check around first." He suggested cautiously. Hudson scoffed, "Do you honestly believe I would be bested by a woman."

"No.. I didn't mean.." The bodyguard stammered taken aback by his reaction.

"I don't give a fuck about what you mean, just stay here." He ordered. The bodyguard nodded obediently as Hudson composed himself, straightening his suit, and pursued Scarlett's lead.

"Oh Scarlett, you're igniting in me passion that is so goddamn difficult to ignore." He confessed, his voice resonated in the narrow hallway. Scarlett responded with a playful laugh, unlocking the door, and gracefully entering the room. Seating on the bed, her crossed legs dangled on the carpet. Hudson loosened his tie, his anticipation growing, as he stepped into the room and firmly shut the door behind him.

His eyes filled with unbridd desire, his voice dripping with lust, "You look ravishing tonight." 

"She always does." Hudson's smile quickly faded as a deep, masculine voice interrupted, causing him to turn in shock.


Poor man ! Ain't gonna get some tonight.

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Stay healthy
Stay safe !!

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