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Hudson's shock turned to anger, realizing he had been lured into a trap. "What the hell is it, Hayes ?" he growled, attempting to regain control of the situation.

Scarlett smiled, enjoying the turn of events, as she leaned against the wall, a calculated glint in her eye.

"Hayes ? What are you doing here ?" Hudson rephrased. He turned to find Scarlett, now tying her hair into a bun "What the fuck is happening here ?" He exclaimed, his voice lacing with anger.

"We just want to talk." Markus stated calmly.

"And this is how you invite someone to talk." He retorted. Markus rolled his eyes and gestured for him to take a seat. Reluctantly, Hudson sat across him.

"Check the suitcase, Scarlett." Markus said to her, never taking his gaze off  Hudson. A hint of apprehension flashed in Hudson's eyes, but before he could object, Markus placed a gun on the table, its weight unsettling the atmosphere in the room.

"So, what are you doing here, Hudson ?" Markus asked, his voice dangerously calm.

"I had a meeting." Hudson replied confidently.

"With ?" Markus pressed. Hudson simply smiled, but the way his lips curved up gave Markus his answer.

Meanwhile, Scarlett rummaged through the documents until her eyes fell upon the ones pertaining to their company. As she read, her gaze fixated on a particular clause in the agreement—

"50% ownership will be transferred to Timothy Hudson, co-founder of H&B Corporation.

"This is it." She stated, handing the documents to Markus. As he read the same clause, a heavy sigh escaped his lips, and he glanced at Hudson.

"I never expected you to be so naive. Did you truly believe you could take my company away from me, and I would simply stand by and watch?" Markus remarked, a mix of disappointment and anger evident in his voice. "Aren't you already rich ?" Hudson reclined in his chair, leaning back as he sighed wearily.

"There's always room for more." Hudson replied, his words laced with greed. Markus' jaws clenched as if he was restraining himself from strangling him. He lifted his gaze to meet Scarlett's, who subtly motioned for him to stay calm.

"Do you really think, he would honor this damn contract."

"Why wouldn't he ? We had a fucking deal." Hudson replied, his confidence wavering.

"What deal ?"

"Why do you think, I would tell you ?" Markus smiled, but something about the curve of his lips was unsettling, it seemed menacing. He purposely raised his gun and pointed it at his heart. Fear crawled the back of Hudson's spine as he warned, "My guards are waiting outside. If you kill me, you won't be walking out of here alive."

"You don't have to worry about that." Markus replied, his voice dripping with conviction. "Now are you going to give me the answers, I need."

"Alright..Alright. Just put the gun away." Hudson stuttered, his voice filled with trepidation.

"So, what kind of deal are you talking about ?"

"We had a deal. If I provided him with financial backing, 50% ownership of your company will be mine after all of your demise. As simple as that."

About half an hour had passed their interrogation, raising suspicion amongst his bodyguards. One of the men said, "I'll go check on him." The others nodded in agreement.

"His guard is coming your way." Adam informed Markus through transmitter.

"Ubderstood." Markus replied.

Frustration mounting, Markus confronted Hudson, his voice seething with anger "What the fuck means by 'all of' us." Hudson couldn't help but smirk.

"Tell me where he is, bastard." Markus growled, his patience wearing off.

"Boss." The bodyguard called but received no response, sending a wave of concern rippling through him.

"Just tell me, where is he ?" Markus demanded, his tone laced with urgency.

"Maybe he is already onto it." Hudson uttered, sidestepping his question. "What the fuck does that me..." Before Markus could press further, a bullet pierced through the glass window, instantly felling Hudson. Blood sprayed from his head as his lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

"Sir..Sir.." The bodyguard called, his voice tinged with panic. Breaking through the door, he rushed inside, his gaze immediately fell upon Hudson's lifeless form. Then his eyes shifted to Scarlett, cowering by the bed, her hand clasped over her mouth. She seemed frozen in shock. Finally, his gaze settled upon Markus, his eyes burning with rage.

"You bastard." He shouted and charged at him. With an astonishing speed, he unleashed a powerful punch, catching Markus off guard. Adam, who was listening to their conversation cursed under his breath and followed the other guards—the chaos had erupted.

The man bellowed, lunging at Markus once again, his raw strength evident as he grabbed hold of him and slammed him forcefully against the glass table. "Markus!" Scarlett cried out in fear, her voice trembling. But the man's attention shifted, his gaze locking onto Scarlett, his predatory instincts flaring.

Groaning in pain, Markus steadied himself on his feet, his eyes burning with anger. With unwavering determination, Markus charged at the man, who tried to defend himself but was defenseless against Markus' fury. A crushing blow landed square on the man's face, causing him to gag in agony. Without a hint of mercy, Markus retrieved his gun and swiftly ended the man's life with a single, fatal shot. Simultaneously, another gunshot missed Markus by inches. Reacting with lightening speed, Markus instinctively ducked, rolled, and took down yet another guard.

Meanwhile, Adam swiftly eliminated the remaining two guards, their bodies lifelessly sprawled in the hallways.

"We gotta leave. Quick." Adam declared. Holding Scarlett's trembling hand, Markus led her, accompanied by Adam and Miles in a hurried escape from the club. Markus and Adam switched their places as they drove away from the chaos. However, their respite was short-lived as Markus's phone abruptly rang, displaying an unknown number. Having an idea of the possible caller, he answered, "I knew you would come for me. But I didn't expect you to be so late." He heard Brendon's menacing voice, dripping with sarcasm.

"I'll fucking kill you." Markus seethed.

"Save them first." With those chilling words, the line went dead. Markus pushed the accelerator to its limits, his focus solely on reaching their destination.

As they neared the road leading to Markus's home, their hearts were gripped by trepidation at the sight that awaited them. A crowd had gathered, police cars encircled the area, and the wailing sirens of an approaching ambulance filled the air. Fear gripped Scarlett's voice as she whispered, "What happened here?" Markus remained silent, his mind consumed by a single, dreaded thought.


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