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Markus unlocked the door of his house and invited her inside. As she entered, the first room that came in her view was a cozy living room adorned with a mahogany sofa set embellished by white curtains that hung above the windows.

Opposite to the living room was a medium sized kitchen. It seemed to have all modern facilities, from an inbuilt stove to a small chimney over it.

Nothing about the house was extravagant, it exuded simplicity and comfort, a far cry from what she expected from a billionaire.

"Welcome to my little haven." Markus exclaimed.

"Your house is beautiful." She replied. Markus smiled.

"Well thank you. You must be tired. Let me show you the bedroom." He offered and led her upstairs.

There were two rooms facing each other.

'You can use this room." He pointed to one of the closed doors. "Or we can share my room." With that, he twisted the knob and pushed open the door, revealing a simple and yet elegantly decorated space.

White curtains similar to that of the living room hung above a small window and near it rested a working desk, carved out to perfection from lustrous oak.
White walls illuminated the room when bright sunlight fell on them. A queen sized bed was placed in the middle while a lamp was placed on the nightstand beside. It was a spacious room with only required furnishings.

"What do you say ?" He gently pulled her to his chest. She lowered her head, hiding her rosy cheeks. "I still haven't got an answer." He teased her. "I will." She spoke meekly. He chuckled and embraced her in his arms.

Shortly after changing and having the soup, Chloe sent for them, they found themselves cuddled together.

"You were so right about Chloe." She said. Markus laughed softly.

"I have known her for 8 years, Scarlett."

"Can I ask you something ?" He asked her, caressing her hair. She hummed in response.

"Where's your dad ?"

Upon hearing his words, Scarlett untangled herself from his arms and sat upright, her legs folded and body faced his laid figure, staring at her with admiration.

"I was a result of a summer fling. My dad didn't want me. So, mom raised me alone. That's the story." Markus gave her an understanding nod. "My mom never made me miss him. She is the strongest and the softest woman that I know." She smiled, recalling of her mother. Markus smiled, mesmerized by her adorable expressions. She gazed at him for a moment before a question arose in her mind.

"Do you love me ?" She asked, catching him off guard. He rose up and gently held her hands.

"Why ask so sudden ?" He responded, raising an eyebrow.

"I just want to know. You said we would figure out what we feel." She reminded him, determination lacing her words. Markus sighed, closing his eyes.

"Scarlett, before I met you, I never dated one woman, I was involved with them, but never felt anything for any of them. But in this little time, I have developed a profound sense of care for you. I don't want you to get hurt and I wish to be there for you. And most of all, I don't want to lose you. Trust me when I say, this feeling is so new to me. I can't put a label on it but if you think this is what love is then yes, I do love you." He confessed, his words devoid of any pretence. A warm smile spread across her face as she leaned into his comforting embrace.

"It's hard to believe that the man I have been crushing on forever never dated a woman and still probably is the most respectful man ever." She praised. He kissed her forehead and asked, "What about you. Do you think you love me ?"
A brief moment of silence enveloped them before Scarlett tightened her hold onto him.

"This feeling is just as new to me as it is for you. I have never been in a relationship before but with you somehow everything feels natural. Your smile, your hugs, your kisses, they brighten up my day and seeing you sad fills my heart with agony. So, if you consider it love, then yes, I do love you too." She confessed, gazing into his eyes.

"I know you love me." He stated in a calm, almost monotone voice.

Curious, she inquired, "How can you be so sure ?"

"If you didn't, you would have scurried off, the moment you realized that being involved with me could put your life at risk." His jaws tensed as guilt washed over him. Scarlett gently caressed his face before softly kissing his lips.

Markus stared at her with fascination before pulling her in for a passionate kiss. She reciprocated by wrapping her arms around him, drawing him in. Caught in the moment, she leaned down with him, on top of her. His hands roamed up and down her body as he buried her face in the crook of her neck, placing feathery kisses. Her body arched up in pleasure as she craved more and more of his touch.

"You're so gorgeous." He whispered, his breaths coming out in pants.

"It feels so good." She moaned. As Markus watched, a feeling of devouring her overwhelmed him.

"I want you, Scarlett." He stated, calmly and softly. With her eyelids fluttering open, She fixed her gaze upon him, her eyes filled with desire before uttering in a hushed tone, "I want you too. " Markus smiled, kissing her over again. His hand went under her shirt, cupping her breasts.

He pulled off his shirt, widening her eyes before leaning over her. He lifted her shirt placing feathery kisses over her stomach. Heat surged through her body as he removed the last pieces of cloth from their body and pressed his body against her.

He fondled her nipples, making her moan in pleasure.

"It's gonna hurt a little. Okay ?" He whispered, breathing heavily. She gave him a quick nod.

He held her hands above her head firmly before leaning over her and thrusting inside her, slowly and gently.

She strangled the scream that tried to escape her lips and focused on his soft whispers, tightly grasping the bedsheet.
A few minutes had passed when a rush of pure bliss flooded her senses, replacing any lingering traces of pain.

After about an hour, he rolled off her and laid beside her, catching his breath.

"Hurting much ?" He asked.

"Yeah." She responded, without moving.

"I'll prepare a hot bath for you." He said, kissing her forehead before heading towards the bathroom leaving her with a whirlwind of thoughts. Most prominent of them being,

I am in love with Markus, my boss. She smiled just as Markus approached her, lifting her effortlessly in his arms and carrying her to the bathroom.

"This will help ease your pain. Rest up for now. I have to talk to Sam. I'll be back shortly." He told her. She nodded in agreement. With a heartfelt smile, he departed, leaving her to bask in the memories that they created together and picturing a beautiful future with him.


Well that escalated fast.
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