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The night sky above stretched like a vast velvety canvas, adorned by shimmering stars. The moon, dispelling the darkness,  casts its soft glow on the serene ocean waves, illuminating their path. As waves crashed against the shore, it provided a rhythmic soundtrack.

The cool air held Scarlett's hair, gently tousling them, before gracefully sweeping it behind her back as she walked, blindfolded, on the sandy beach, guided by Markus.

"Where are you taking me ?" She couldn't help but ask, a blend of excitement and curiosity lacing in her words.

"Just trust me and keep walking." He whispered in her ears, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine. 

They eventually came to a stop, Markus removed his hand, unveiling her eyes, saying, "Open your eyes on 3." She hummed.



"1, Open your eyes, love." Scarlett gently flickered her eyes open, and what she beheld before her left her speechless. Instinctively, her hands flew to cover her mouth as she gasped in awe and surprise.

In front of her eyes was a scene from a fairytale, the sandy coast was decorated with a myriad of golden lights that seemed like twinkling stars on the ground.  Amidst these surroundings, stood a white curtains ordained sitting area, with a grand table with multiple chairs.

"Do you like it ?" Markus asked, his voice tinged with nervousness as he embraced her from behind. Scarlett spun around, her face adorned with a wide grin and squeezed him tightly, whispering, "I love it so much. Thank you honey." Overwhelmed with excitement, she squealed like a teenager. While making their way toward the chairs, a question arose in her mind.

It's beautiful but why are there so many chairs ?" She asked, unaware that Markus had stopped walking alongside her.

"Love." She called, turning around, to find Markus on one knee, holding a beautiful diamond ring in his hand. Her eyes widened in surprise, once again captivated by his heartfelt gesture. A huge smile adorned her face.

"Scarlett, I know, our lovestory did not begin as you might have pictured it in your mind. I didn't take you on dates or movie nights. Instead, I brought you into the struggles of my life. But, you held my hand in those times even when you had a choice to leave. I can't explain in words how grateful I am to find a woman like you and I cannot afford to lose you. So, will you please make me the luckiest man alive by marrying me ?" Markus poured out his emotions, with utmost sincerity and honesty that reflected in his eyes.

By the end of his heartfelt speech, her eyes were brimming with happy tears. She wanted to say yes but her mouth betrayed her. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she nodded her head in a resounding yes.

A radiant smile spread across Markus' face. In a swift motion, he rose up and slid the ring onto her finger. Just in time, the surroundings erupted with loud cheers and squeals. A surprised yelp escaped Scarlett's mouth as she snuggled in his embrace. He chuckled and held her tightly.

After taking a moment to compose herself, Scarlett looked around and realized that all their loved ones were present, having known about the proposal in advance.

"Mum !" She exclaimed, with a wide smile before running into her arms. "You knew."

"Markus invited me." Katherine replied, holding her daughter close.

"We all knew." Elena added with a smile. Scarlett hugged her before turning her attention to Chloe, Sam, Chloe's parents, Natalie and Steven, Jessie, Lewis, Adam, Miles, Rick, Catherine and Theo, who was whispering something in Markus' ears, to which Markus nodded.

"What are you hiding from me, Theo" Scarlett asked playfully. Theo grinned ear to ear before saying, "You are now my Aunt Scarlett." Her cheeks turned rosy as she blushed profusely when Chloe approached her, embracing her in a warm hug, saying, "I am so happy for you both." Scarlett smiled.

"Well, I never imagined living to witness this day..sorry night." Lewis teased, earning a playful smack from Jessie. Sam chuckled, exchanging a high-five with Lewis. Markus simply rolled his eyes at their childish antics. Steven affectionately patted Markus' shoulder, saying, "You have got yourself a beautiful young lady, son." Markus gave him a smile that radiated his happiness.

As they settled around the table, Markus raised a champagne glass, standing up from his seat.

"First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you all for being here. Just a few months ago, my life was in shambles, and it felt like I was being dragged back into a world I thought I had left behind forever. But gradually, everything fell into place. I made a promise to Brendon that I would track down the people responsible for the tragic loss of his wife and child and I succeeded. Adam played his part in delivering justice. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. This chapter of my life has finally come to an end."

"So tonight, I want to raise a toast, to all who have been there since the beginning, enduring all the challenges and victories." He expressed, glancing at Sam, who subtly nodded. "To those who were always there in the times of need." He glanced at Adam and his team. "Who became family along the journey." He glanced at Lewis and Jessie and Chloe's parents and Elena. "Very importantly, who gave us a second chance to life." He smiled, looking at Chloe, who blew him a flying kiss. "To my best buddy, without whom I couldn't imagine having fun." He winked at Theo, who wore an ear-to-ear grin. "And lastly, and most importantly, to the person who has filled my life with countless hues, who brings me immense happiness, who makes me feel that I have discovered my true home." He reached for Scarlett's hand, and she tenderly placed hers in his, rising from her seat alongside him.

"I love you, Scarlett Jones and I will love you until death do us apart." He confessed, a happy tear escaped her eyes. Without hesitation, she gently kissed his lips, "I love you too, Markus Hayes, and I will love you until death do us apart." They caressed each other's cheeks when Adam exclaimed, 'No more tears, it's time to celebrate !" He signalled to someone standing at a distance and the next minute a beautiful song filled the air. He extended his hand out for Elena, who blushed furiously before placing her hand in his.

Soon, all the couples joined them on the dance floor, and together, they celebrated the enchanting night.

"I love you so much." Scarlett whispered inaudibly.

"I love you too, my love."

In that moment, as they held each other close, they realised that the journey was just the beginning, filled with endless love and laughter, as cherished memories were yet to be made.


Hey guys !

Well I don't know why I was teary eyed writing this one. I just want this story to continue forever. But, then again, everything has to have an end.

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