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It was the middle of the night, when Scarlett woke up feeling uneasy, urgently untangling herself from Markus' gentle grip, she dashed towards the bathroom. Abruptly awake, it took Markus a few moments to comprehend the situation as he heard the sound of her coughing and a rush of water. With the surge of concern, he swiftly left the bed and rushed to her aid. As he reached the bathroom door, his heart sank at the sight of Scarlett, hunched over the sink, enduring the waves of nausea. Unchecked tears cascaded down her cheeks, reflecting her vulnerability.

Without any hesitation, Markus approached her, gently rubbing her back, to offer comfort and support. He continued to comfort her as she finished retching, then carefully lifted her and guided her back to the bed, where she could rest. "Hey, are you okay?" he whispered softly, sitting down beside her and tracing soothing circles on her stomach.

"Yeah. I just feel a little nauseous." She replied, her voice trembling but determined.

"Come, I'll take you to the doctor." He suggested, concerned etched on his face.

"No, just give me a minute." She insisted, rising up from the bed. Despite his protests, she made her way to the bathroom.

After a few minutes passed, she emerged out of the bathroom with one of the most radiant smiles that Markus had ever seen. Her hands remained folded behind her back, adding to his anticipation.

Markus wore perplexed expressions as he asked, "What is it that got you so smiley now ?" Without responding, she slowly walked towards him with a pregnancy test strip in her hands. He gazed down at her hands and the next minute his eyes flickered between her hands and her face, gradually grasping the significance of the dipstick in her hands. "Is it true ?" He asked, his voice containing a blend of hope and disbelief. She nodded eagerly..

"I am gonna be a dad." He whispered, tears welling up in his eyes as well. She nodded once more. Immediately, he pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close to his chest.

"We are gonna be parents." She whispered, her voice lacing with affection and love.

"Thank you, love. Thank you so much." He whispered, pouring his love in a passionate kiss with gentle touch. "You can't even imagine, how happy this news makes me." A smile adorned Scarlett's face as she let her tears fall. Markus lovingly wiped them away and placed a kiss on her forehead before rushing to his window and calling out for Sam.

A few minutes later, the window opened, revealing an annoyed Sam, "What the fuck do you need at night ?" He grumbled, with Chloe standing sleepy behind him, rubbing her eyes.

"I am gonna be a dad, man." Markus exclaimed in excitement. In an instant, Sam's annoyance and Chloe's drowsiness vanished into the thin air. Chloe pushed Sam aside, and asked, "Are you serious, I am going to be an aunt ?"

"Yup." Markus responded. Chloe squealed in excitement.

They soon gathered in Markus' living room where even the previously soundly asleep Theo was now brimming with joy after hearing the news that he would soon have a little prince or princess to play with.

Out of his innocent curiosity, he asked, "Aunt Scarlett, where is the baby ?"

Scarlett laughed softly as Markus pointed at her stomach and replied, "He or she is here, buddy, It will take some time before he or she pops out." Theo pouted in response.

Sam embraced Scarlett in a warm embrace, and relayed, "I am happy for you guys." Chloe followed his moves and embraced Scarlett, her happiness evident in her heartfelt embrace.

Markus stood there, watching his family, with an heightened sense of gratitude and love. Sensing his emotions, Sam approached Markus, his eyes reflecting understanding.

"We have come a long way, man" Sam said, his voice carrying the weight of their shared journey.

Markus, his voice barely audible, simply replied, "Yeah."

Sam chuckled, lightening their mood with a playful comment, "It's your turn to change the nappies." Markus, momentarily taken aback, found himself at loss of words. His expressions held a sense of profound realisation and bewilderment, drawing a playful laugh out of everyone. In that shared moment of laughter, Markus couldn't help but join his loved ones, as they celebrated the night.


The room fell into hushed silence, filled with anticipation and love. All eyes were fixed on the doctor as he carefully examined the newborn baby of Markus and Scarlett.

"She is a girl." He announced, his voice filled with anticipation. Approaching them, the doctor placed their daughter in Scarlett's waiting embrace.

As their gazes fell on their precious little daughter, tears of happiness welled their eyes. Sharing a tender glance, they focused their attention on the tiny angel cradled in Scarlett's arms

"She is so beautiful, just like you." Markus whispered, pressing a soft kiss upon her forehead.

Scarlett chuckled through her tears and admired their daughter's features. "Her hair color takes after you." She remarked with a warm smile. "Here, hold her." She said, guiding Markus to take their daughter in his arms.

Markus, usually composed and self-assured, appeared nervous for the first time. He cradled their daughter tenderly, and in that moment, a wave of warmth washed over him. "Oh ! my babygirl, daddy love you." He murmured, gently planting a kiss on her tiny forehead.

Just in time, there was a soft knock on the door, and the door creaked open to reveal Markus's family, led by Chloe.

"Can I hold her ?" Chloe requested, her voice filled with excitement. Markus passed his daughter in Chloe's eager arms and watched how is family showered her with gentle affection, introducing themselves as if she understood every word.

"She is so cute." Theo beamed, softly pecking her cheeks. The little girl squirmed ever so slightly, causing Theo to panic, as if he had hurt her.

"She is just sleeping, buddy." Sam reassured him.

Amidst the tender moments shared by the family, Lewis's words broke the silence, "What are you naming her ?" 

Markus and Scarlett, still settled closely together, exchanged a knowing look. "Avery Hayes," Markus announced proudly, his voice filled with love and pride. Scarlett's grin widened from ear to ear as she nestled closer into Markus's embrace.

"Our little Avery," she repeated softly, savoring the magical moment

And so, surrounded by the love and support of their family, Markus and Scarlett began their journey of parenthood with their precious daughter, Avery.

"I want another one," Markus whispered, his voice filled with longing. Scarlett glanced at him, her eyes widening in surprise, evoking chuckles from Markus and those around them, who delighted in their sweet exchange."

                           THE END


Finally, the story comes to it's ultimate end. 

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