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Markus sat on the edge of the bed, as Scarlett retrieved the first aid box from the bathroom cabinet. Every movement held his unwavering gaze. With a box of cotton balls, dipped in ointment in one hand, she approached him, ready to treat his wounds. As she neared her, he couldn't resist the pull, and reached out to hold her waist and draw her closer, their bodies almost touching.

His eyes traced every delicate feature of her face, captivated by her eyes that resembled the shimmering pools of mercury. The faint puffiness around her eyes and cheeks, remnants of tears shed, deepened Markus guilt. I failed her. He thought. "She placed her trust me, thinking that I will let no harm come to her, yet, I fell short."

"I am sorry, Scarlett." He murmured, his voice a low whisper, filled with pain and remorse. Her hand paused in mid-air, the cotton ball hovering, as confusion flickered in her eyes. "What for ?" She asked, her voice as gentle as a soothing melody.

Markus raised his eyes, and their gazes locked, "I failed to keep you safe. You trusted me and I....." His gaze dropped in shame. A tender smile appeared on her lips as she cupped his face in his hands, radiating warmth and understanding.

"You haven't failed me." She assured him. "You know, I was terrified, so scared for my life, but the moment I saw you, I felt relieved. I didn't know if we would make it out alive, but you were there, in the lion's den for me. You were willing to sacrifice everything just to protect me. So, Markus, you haven't failed me. Instead, you have shown me the depth of your love. Even after years together, claiming to love each other, people hesitate, but you acted without hesitation. I can't... I can't express in words how fortunate I feel to have you in my life." She confessed.

Their eyes locked once more. Overwhelmed by his surge of emotions, Markus leaned in, capturing her lips in a  passionate kiss that spoke volumes of their connections. In a swift moment, he towered over her, peppering feathery kisses on the nape of her neck, drawing a soft moan of pleasure from her. His desire to devour her grew by every passing second. With a tender touch, he lifted her shirt, trailing kisses on her stomach before capturing her lips once more in a fervent embrace.

She responded eagerly to it, wrapping her legs around his waist, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him closer.

In the intimate moments, he whispered, his voice filled with adoration, "You made me fall in love once, and so hard."
Her reply came in a breathless whisper,
"So did you."

With smiles pressed against each other's lips, they explored the depths of their love and surrendered to the passionate longing. 

An hour had passed since their passionate union, when Markus separated from her, catching his breath. A sense of peaceful tranquility washed over them, as they lay in a peaceful silence, their limbs intertwined and Markus' arms draped around her waist.

Curiosity tugged at Scarlett, compelling her to break the silence and ask, "He talked about you, like he knew you. Can I know why ?"

Markus directed his gaze to the ceiling, his expressions distant as he recounted the story he had once shared with Chloe.
"But, I had no idea he had a family.  He is right, they are dead because of me.
If only I hadn't taken him away from her, maybe she would still be alive."

Scarlett's touch remained soothing, "It's none of your fault." She reassured him, her voice filled with love."You did what you believed was right, what you were told to do at that time."

Markus gaze softened, as he drew her closer, and said, in hushed tones, "If I was in his place, I would have sought vengeance against those responsible as well."

"But not the innocents." She interjected,
His heart swelled with admiration, as he tightened his hold onto her, and whispered, "Yeah."

Curiosity still lingered in the air as Scarlett pressed, "So, what are you gonna do now ?"

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