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Markus brought his Mustang to a halt in The Hub, a major commercial centre of the South Bronx. Stepping out of his car, his eyes scanned the surroundings.
Amidst the crowd, he spotted a man, whose rugged appearance, indicated at his edgy life. The man turned his head. Following his line of sight, Markus noticed a black sedan parked across the street. Understanding the silent message, he crossed the road and slipped into the backseat of the waiting vehicle.

Sam and others maintained a safe distance, keeping a watchful eye on them. As the man drove off, they discreetly followed.

The man behind the wheel remained silent, his gaze solely focused on the road ahead. Suddenly, he took a sharp turn, slowing down the speed, leading them to a quieter street. Rick pulled over at the turn, saying, "If I continue any further, he'll realize we're tailing him. There are hardly any cars around here." Sam nodded in agreement, and he and Miles stepped out of the vehicle.

"You keep an eye on him from the rooftop. I'll do the same from the ground," Sam instructed. Giving him a nod, and Miles dashed to a nearby building's rooftop, with a bag containing his sniper rifle securely strapped to his back. Sam readied his pistol and stealthily followed behind the black sedan as it came to a stop across the street.

The man, inside the car, cautiously looked around, causing Sam to take  behind a car, before pointing a gun at Markus, compelling him to walk inside the campus of an old incomplete building.

"The building is flooded with his men." Miles informed Sam through earpieces.

"How many, do you see ?"  Sam inquired, inching closer to the premises of the building.

"Count the building and multiply by three." Miles responded, gis gaze sweeping the expansive building, comprising at least of 8 floors.

"Do you see him ?" Sam pressed, his heart pounding in his chest.

"They have handcuffed him and are taking him inside." Miles informed, concern lacing in his voice.

Stealthily, Sam circled the building, in an attempt to find an entrance, that would keep him away from the prying eyes of armed men. With determination on his face, he whispered, "There is always a way." as he found a hole in a wall. Carefully slipping inside, he swiftly sought cover, preparing himself for the dangerous task that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, Markus was forced inside the building, his hands were tied on the sides of a wooden chair as he was forcefully seated on the chair. He struggled against his restraints, his anger simmering beneath the surface like a seething volcano, ready to erupt. However, it was only the thought of Scarlett and her safety that kept him from lashing out against his captors and  enduring the humiliation.

"Warm greetings, old friend !" Brendon's voice resonated through the desolate building, his voice dripping with sarcasm. As Markus caught sight of him, his anger multiplied by folds, his whole being yearning to break free from the chair and strangle Brendon.

"A good way of greeting old friends, Hayes." Brendon taunted, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Where is Scarlett, Brendon ?" Markus demanded, his voice was flaring with anger.

"What's the rush ?" Brendon glanced at Markus, his expressions turning aggressive, in an instant, "Did you bring what I asked for ? Because I don't see anything with you."

"Release her and the company is yours. I assure you that." Markus  bluntly stated. Seated across from Markus, Brendon sighed heavily. He signaled one of his men with a glance, who obediently went and dragged Scarlett, still bound to a chair, in front of them.

For a brief moment, Markus' anger subdued, replaced by a piercing ache, witnessing the woman he loves in such a pitiful condition. A piece of cloth muffled her cries but her eyes spoke a thousand words, begging him to take her home. Enraged, Markus shifted his gaze back to Brendon, "I will fucking kill you, bastard." He growled. Brendon glared back at him with venomous eyes before delivering a painful punch in Markus' gut. A groan of painful escaped Markus' lips while Scarlett's eyes widened in shock.

Brendon redirected his attention on Scarlett, and smiled menacingly.

"Where are the papers ?" Brendon asked again, emphasizing on each word.

Markus composed himself, cementing his resolve,"You want your revenge from me, take it. Just let her go. She has nothing to do with this." Something seemed to have triggered inside Brendon, mounting his frustration. Exasperated, Brendon blew another punch across his face and let out a sinister laugh.

"Now suddenly the woman is innocent, when it comes to you ?" Brendon spatted. Confusion clouded Markus's face as he questioned, "What are you talking about ?"

Brendon scoffed, "Don't play dumb, Hayes. I know what you did behind my back. Do you really think, I targeted the people you love for the sake of the goddamn company ? or because you turned against me ?" His words only fuelled Markus' confusion.

"I don't have one fucking clue of what you're talking about." Markus retorted. Brendon's gaze altered between Markus and Scarlett before settling on Scarlett.

"You killed my wife and my unborn child. They were innocent. They had nothing to do with my business." He whispered, his voice filled with suppressed anger and pain. His words rendered Markus speechless. His gaze shifted to Scarlett, who stared at Brendon, her expression a mix of disbelief and contemplation.

Markus shook his head, running down the memory lane, gathering his memories. In his previous life, he had killed numerous men and even women but never the innocent.

"I didn't kill them. I didn't even know that you were married." Markus truthfully confessed, his voice as calm as a serene ocean. Brendon shrugged dismissively, a smug smile curling his lips.

"And do you honestly think, I'll believe you." His jaws clenched. "Enough with the talks." He declared, pulling out his gun, aiming it directly at her head.

"Where the fuck are the papers ?" He asked, his voice chillingly calm.

"Let her  go. Damn it. I didn't lay a fucking hand on your wife or your child." He growled, his eyes fixed on Scarlett's trembling figure. Brendon pointed the gun deeper into her skin,

"This man ?" Brendon sneered, forcefully lifting Scarlett's face. "Look at him. Do you still trust him ? Do you still think, he's capable of saving you, when he can't even save himself."

Dread coursed through Scarlett's veins tightening its grip on her heart. She quivered under Brendon's grip, but as she met Markus's bloodshot eyes, a surge of love and unwavering faith washed over her.

In that moment, she realised the depth of Markus' love. He willingly walked into the lion's den, fully aware that it could cost him his life. As she listened to their conversation, she began to grasp the lengths that he was willing to go for her safety. He was ready to abandon the life he had built, all for the sake of her safety.

Their gazes locked, a moment of peace amidst the turmoil. His eyes were filled with pain, anger and remorse. Scarlett yearned to express her love, her trust and her unspoken belief that she knew he had tried his best.

It was in that fragile moment, they discovered new strength and resolve, fuelled by their connected eyes, forging an unbreakable bond.


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