Chapter 50: New Dawn

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A small settlement in the far distance was in total chaos, a bandit tribe known as the Goon Squad was making havoc in the small settlement, they may look ridiculous with there pointy Mohawks that where different colors that makes them laughable but trust me, when they come in groups and have the firepower, they are a force to be reckon with.

Good Member: This is Goon World now baby, we'll take you goods, your homes, kill everyone you know and RAPE YOUR WAMAN!!

Y/N: Can somebody kill this guy already...

Goon Member: Eh?


A Loud sniper shot was then heard from a distance as the Good Member that was screaming a bunch of cringe stuff is now laying dead on the ground dirt, his head was completely blown up into gibs by a well placed headshot as his brain and blood was splattered all over the place of where the Goon Member was standing.

Y/N: Thank God he shut up, nice shot WA-chan.

WA2000: I-Idiot, its not like I did to empress you or anything...

Y/N: Heh, typical tusndere as always huh WA-chan?

WA2000: Y-You...! Shut up!

Y/N: Heh, love you too~

WA2000: *blushes*

Even though you couldn't see WA2000 since she's far awhile from a distance from you, you can tell she has a deep red blush on her face, you then walk through the settlement passing by a lot of dead corpses of the Good Squad and you killed, yes YOU killed, not the girls, your harem of girls that represent as firearms where surrounding the settlement killing any Good Squad members that tries to escape or enter the settlement.

Y/N: Alright girls, report in.

M4A1: AR Team here, west side of the settlement is secured Master.

UMP45: 404 here, East side of the settlement is secured-


UMP45: Uhh, one moment master...


You then here a three round burst gun shot from the distance from where you at as you assume that G11 was the one that shot her firearm, you the hear your earpiece click as you heard UMP45's soothing voice from the other end.

UMP45: Okay now it's secured.

G11: Jeez these guys sure are loud and annoying, I can't even take a small nap....

HK416: A "small" nap? You've been asleep ever since we departed from base G11, not to mention barley even move your own legs ever since we left.

G11: Jeez, no need to rub it in 416...

UMP45: Now now ladies~ let's not argue here, we're here on business, so let's act professional okay?~


Back to you, you were on your way to the Church that this settlement taken as the main hub, while you were walking there, you heard a click from your earpiece as you hear Five-seveN's voice at the other end.

Five-seveN: Master? Are you sure you don't us to accompany you? It be best if one of us at least be with you...

Y/N: It's fine Five-seveN, I got this; besides, this won't take long, just make sure everythingis secured at your side okay? Not to mention...

You then look up yo the sky as you smile, the sun shining down on you but all of a sudden a shadow covered you for a brief moment before it passed by you.

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