Chapter 26: Healing Her Master [18+]

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It was night time, like 12:34 at night time, you were sleeping peacefully in bed as you lay there under your covers, then you shot-up wide awake, sitting on your bed, drops of sweat running down your head and on your face, you were breathing heavily too, I guess you had a nightmare, you turn towards the window to see if the sun was up, instead you saw a full moon, shining down on you and on the mansion, you sigh in relief to know that is was just a dream that you had...but what was the nightmare that you saw?

VEGA: Master? Are you alright?

You turn towards the Phone which was laying on the counter beside your bed, you saw the screen on the Phone showing a familiar blue circle on it.

Y/N: I'm fine VEGA....I just....can't sleep during a full moon...

VEGA: I understand master, you should drink some water to cool may help

Y/N: Thanks VEGA....

You then pull the covers off of you as you got out of bed, you then started walking out of your room and head towards the kitchen, it was late at night, most of the girls are asleep so you did your best to stay quiet as you walk through the hallways of the mansion.

Once you arrived to the kitchen you went towards the fridge and got yourself of cold water, you drink a few cold waters as you wipe the drops of sweat that was still running down your head.

Y/N: *sigh* after all this time...I still can't get that bad memory out of my head...

???: What bad memory?

Y/N: Ahh!

You suddenly jumped as you heard a female voice that was close up to your ear, you took a few steps away to see who it was, you then saw M4 SOPMOD2 standing there with a concerned look on her face, you didn't even notice her walked in the kitchen.

Y/N: Jeez scared me, what are you doing this late at night?

M4 SOPMOD2: Oh, I'm patrolling the mansion just in case something happens.

Y/N: Aren't you tired at this late at night?

M4 SOPMOD2: Nope! I can stay awake for a year or more and never get tired hehe~

Y/N: You sure are one energenic girl Sop...

M4 SOPMOD2: Hehe~ I get that a lot from the others

You smiled towards M4 SOPMOD2 as you saw how a girl like her can have so much energy...well, she isn't a normal girl, she's a girl that likes to kill people and be creative of how the way she does it.

M4 SOPMOD2: Anyway, why are you up this late master?

Y/N: Oh, uhh...I just need some water hehe...

You said as chuckled nervously while you continue to drink the bottle of water you had in your hand, M4 SOPMOD2 looked at you with an upset look, though she isn't mad, she just knows your not telling the truth to her.

M4 SOPMOD2: .....liar....

Y/N: Huh?

M4 SOPMOD2 then quickly pin you to wall that was behind you, you had your back to the wall as you look towards M4 SOPMOD2 as she put both of her hands on the wall with your head between them, M4 SOPMOD2 gave you an upset expression that cause you to panic a bit.

Y/N: U-Umm...SOP?

M4 SOPMOD2: Something is bothering you master and I want know what so I can help you, so please tell me....

You look towards M4 SOPMOD2 as she had a determine expression on her face, knowing she's not gonna let you go until you tell her wants bothering you.

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