Chapter 34: To Ireland

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Another day, another daily life with your T-Dolls, right now Mister...I mean, Miss Kryuger has called you to "her" office for an important talk, something about, one of the P.M.C.'s resources cancelling our budget...which is, bad, anyway, right now you were walking through the hallways making your way towards Miss Kryuger's office, walking along with you is Agent, Dreamer, and Architect, the other girls in the mansion were busy doing there own thing, like maintaining there weapons and counting down and organizing the ammunitions in a few armouries around the mansion, so you brought these three along with you.

Y/N: Welp, lets see what the Female Kryuger wants to talk to us for...

Dreamer: To be honest, seeing Kryuger as a mature looking women....kinda confuses me, his a male...but has a female body...

Architect: If Kryuger is now a girl....does that mean his into guys?

Y/N: Okay, lets stop talk about this, you girls are making think weird things in my head...

You said as you and the three S.F. Ringleaders continue walking through the hallways of the mansion towards Kryuger's office, you kinda felt a little uncomfortable thinking of Kryuger is into guys now that his a mature looking women.

Agent: Lets put this nonsense discussion behind, were almost at Kryuger's front door office...

You, Agent, Dreamer, and Architect finally arrived outside of Kryuger's office, you then walked up to the two double wooden doors and knocked on them, you then waited for a response to come in.

Helian: You may come in Y/N

You heard Helian said inside Kryuger's Office, you then opened one of the wooden double doors and entered the office, Agent, Dreamer, and Architect also followed you inside, you then closed the door and walked up towards the Female Kryuger who was sitting behind her desk.

Y/N: Hay, Miss...I mean, uhh...Kryuger, you need me for something...?

Female Kryuger: *sigh* Don't call me Miss, I'm still....nevermind, listen, I called you here because of bad news, one of our committee in Ireland has cancelled our budget....

Y/N: Oh...that's bad...we need that right? Hay Agent we need that right?

Agent: Yes master, its very important

Y/N: Thank you Agent! Anyway, why did they cancelled our budget?

You asked Kryuger, wondering why one of the P.M.C's committee cancelled our budget, far as you know, you didn't do anything to make the budget expenses go over the it could be anything.

Female Kryuger: The reason why they cancelled our budget is because there using it, there has been some terrorist "anomalies" happening in Ireland...

Y/N: Anomalies? What kind of anomalies?

Female Kryuger: I don't know, look, I need you and some of your girls to go to Ireland, help take care of these terrorist "anomalies", and negotiate one of our committee to bring our budget back

Y/N: Ohhhh~ I never saw a leprechaun before, hay, do think if I shoot one with my gun lucky charms will spill everywhere?

You questioned, Kryuger and Helian were confused of what your you on about as of why you asked that bizzar question, Dreamer and Architect giggled by your sudden question while Agent just stood there.

Female Kryuger: *sigh* Just go to Ireland, find out why they cancelled our cancelled our budget and negotiate with one of the committee to bring our budget back...

Y/N: Alright, Agent, Dreamer, Architect, you girls are coming with me, were going to Ireland...

Architect: Leprechauns here we come!

Female Kryuger: There's a helicopter in the back of the mansion ready for your transport, once you reach your destination, someone will be waiting your you there


Time skip, you, Agent, Dreamer, and Architect were now outside in the back of the mansion, ready to board the helicopter towards Ireland, of course before you could go, the rest of the girls gave you a goodbye.

M4 SOPMOD2: Its not fair, how come we can't go to Ireland with master?

AR-15: Because all of us can't go with him SOP2, if we do, it'll cause too much attention...

M4 SOPMOD2: Awww~ its not fair....

M4 SOPMOD2 was not happy being left behind and not happy that she can't go with you, you try to cheer her up, you really don't wanna see her down because of this.

Y/N: It'll be alright SOP2, once this negotiation is over, I'll come right back, next time, I'll make sure you come with me, okay?

M4 SOPMOD2: okay...

M4 SOPMOD2 then gave you a tight hug, you then return the hug to her and gave her a quick peek of her forehead, M4 SOPMOD2 smiled, she then look up to you and give a quick peek on the lips, you two then both parted from the hug.

M16: This isn't a goodbye so I don't know why you girls are upset about this....just, make sure you come back, okay master?

Y/N: I will M16, besides, I got three deadly S.F. Ringleaders with me, so the chances of me coming back is high

M4A1: Don't jinx it master....

Y/N: Right....sorry....

UMP45: Its a shame all of us can't come with you, always wanted to go to Ireland...

Y/N: Heh, maybe next time when were not on a mission...and trust me, I would really want to bring all of you with me but I can't, Kryuger said it might attract unnecessary attention, so I have to go with a small group...

HK416: That's understandable, please be careful master, you never know what kind of people that you'll meet in Ireland...

Y/N: Notied...

Pilot: Y/N! We need to go, the committee is expecting you to arrive on time to meet her!

The pilot yelled out in the cockpit of the helicopter, you then started to grab the things you need and started to board the helicopter, along with Agent, Dreamer, and Architect, you then closed the hatch door and looked out through the window of the helicopter, you saw the girls waving at you as you waved back at them, then the helicopter took off and set its destination towards Ireland

Five-seven: Becarefull master...


Committee1: Miss Arc, one of the employees from Griffin & Kryuger P.M.C. will arrive here to negotiate the cancelling of there budget, I need you to tell him the situation here in Ireland before discussing the negotiations.

???: Of course sir, also, if you don't mind me asking, who is this employee? I heard his new in G&K P.M.C.

Committe1: Who is he you asked? Well, you are right, he is new to the G&K P.M.C., I think his name is Y/N...Y/N L/N

???: !!!

Committee1: What? Is something the matter Miss Arc?

???: N-No, its nothing, I'll go on ahead and wait for his arrivel...

Committee1: Understood

???: ....Looks like I'm about to have a highschool reunion with the boy that I rejected....


Finally! I updated a new Chapter, wonder wants gonna happen in Ireland and who's that girl that said she rejected you, until then I'll see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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