Chapter 30: Unexpected Event

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A whole week has passed after the events of you being kidnapped by Liz and her mercenaries, you were now back in the mansion with the girls doing there own thing, the girls were around doing some stuff and you were while were just playing some Call of Duty or sometimes hang out with the girls, right now today is Sunday and today....and unexpected event happened today.

Sunday, its the middle of the day, you were doing your usual routine today since there's nothing important for you and your girls need to be doing, you were walking through the hallways of the mansion seeing if there's something for you to do besides play Call of Duty, you were about to walk pass Kryuger's Office, the entry way to his office was a two wooden double door, once you walked pass his office, an unfamiliar female voice screamed through the mansion that everyone heard it, even Persica that was in her Lab which was a few meters underground.

Persica: What was that? That must be the most loudest female scream I ever heard....especially if it can be heard underground...

HK416: What the-.....who was that screaming?

UMP45: Don't know, but lets find out, I don't want to risk seeing master being abducted again, lets go!

The 404 girls then quickly exited there dorm room as they head towards the sound of the unfamiliar female scream...except G11, she's sleeping deeply while hugging the half-naked body pillow close to her.

G11: zzzzz Of course master, I will sleep with you~ zzz zzz


Every one of your girls were now rushing to the source where that unfamiliar female scream came from, to be honest it came from Kryuger's Office, you heard it loud enough that it definitely came from Kryuger's Office, you were about to rush in through the two wooden double doors to his office, but before you could you heard two female voices inside, one was familiar to you which was Helian, the other was the not so familiar to you which was the female scream.

Helian: Miss- Mister Kryuger p-please calm down, I-I'm sure there's another way to deal with this kind of situation besides killing the Field Commader that sent this to you...

Kryuger?: I don't care, I'm going to hunt this battered down for what he did to me!

As you listen to Helian talking to someone which was Kryuger who she was talking to? You were confused knowing that Kryuger doesn't have a female voice, he had a familiar deep voice that can make anyone nerves once they heard it.

Y/N: Kryuger? Helian is talking to Kryuger? But....Kryuger doesn't sound feminine....

While you continue to hear Helian and her conversation with the unknown female voice inside Kryuger's Office, the girls of AR Team and Task Force 404 along with Agent that came with finally showed up to the source of where the unknown female scream came from.

M16: Master! Are you alright?! We heard a loud female scream so we came to see what it is

Y/N: Y-Yea, I'm fine...I think the scream came from Kryuger's Office...

You said to them as you pointed towards the wooden double doors that leads inside Kryuger's Office, Task Force 404 and AR Team got in position ready to breach through, you were a few feet away waiting behind Agent.

Y/N: Hay uhh, Agent?

Agent: Yes master?

Y/N: You don't thing nothing bad happened to Kryuger did you? O heard Helian talking to someone in there and I think she was talking to Kryuger....but...

Agent: But?

Y/N: But Kryuger doesn't sound feminine...does he?

You asked Agent as she was looking towards the AR Team and the 404 girls ready to breach, as they gave the go signal, they breached through the double wooden doors, breaking them down as they got there weapons drawn while they entered the room, once the AR Team and the 404 girls finish there breach to Kryuger's Office, what they saw....was unexpected.

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