Chapter 28: Captured

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The 404 girls returned to the mansion to tell the others that you were setup and captured by the police, everyone was in the living room discussing how to get you back without killing the police, if the girls starts shooting them, well, the entire government will be after them, but that's not a problem for them though, why? Well there deadly girls that represents themselves as deadly hand-held firearms that mankind created, right now your girls are worried and pissed.....mostly pissed off actually.

M4 SOPMOD2: Damn corrupted police force, I'll just rip off there spines and use it as my personal jumping rope!

PKP: Can I just go out there and start shooting at random people? Can I do that please?

Five-seven: Girls, I know your all upset...but right now we need to calm down and think this through...

FAL: Five-seven, master just got captive by the corrupted police force, you expect us to calm down about this?

FAL questioned Five-seven with a pissed off tone voice, Five-seven just stood there not replying to FAL's question, FAL then looked down towards Five-seven's hand as it was shaking, she then looked at Five-seven as she had a shadow covering her face.

Five-seven: I'm trying my best to not let my anger out FAL, you know why? Because I don't want master to see me into a massacring rampaging thing master want a girl like that in his life? Thinking that our only purpose is killing people? I want master to see me more then just killing people....I want to do more for him besides that....

The other girls didn't say anything as all of them stood there silently, taking in what Five-seven said, Alisa and Kalina was hearing the conversation as they looked at each other worried.

Alisa: Kalina...its best that we should find Y/N before the girls do anything....chaotic....

Kalina: Miss Helian is running a search of Y/N vital signs right now....we expected the police that they took Y/N to the police house but....they didn't....I went to the police to see if he was there but....he wasn't....

Alisa: I hope Miss Helian finds his location soon, other wise....

Alisa then turn towards the group of girls that was all in the living room, all of them had an aura of mass murdering intent, ready to kill anyone that they see.


Alisa: Other wise these girls will start a massacre....


Kryuger: Helian, any update of Y/N's location?

Helian: Still locating his vital signs Mr. Kryuger...I think they removed the tracker that we place on him...

Kryuger: How the hell did they find the tracker that quickly?

Helian: Don't know, who ever this people are that's after Y/N are likely professionals...

Kryuger just sigh in stress as sat on his chair behind his desk, Y/N's girls are starting to lose there patience of waiting to find were you are, if Kryuger doesn't find were you are....the girls are gonna start a riot looking for you.

Kryuger: I just hope we find his location before the girls starts a bloody massacre...


Meanwhile in the living room of the mansion, the girls are starting to lose there patience for Kryuger to find where you are, some of the girls were walking back and fourth while some was cleaning and messing around with there guns with there fingers on the trigger.

M16: I'm starting to lose my patience here...

M4A1: Your not the only one....

AR-15: Can we just go and start looking for master besides sit here and do nothing?

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