Chapter 43: Harem Problem

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1 week later....

After you dealt with the Oil rig problem in Alaska, a week has passed and right now you were heading towards Kryuger's office, said something about Persica that hasn't left her Lab ever since the Russia incident, once you made your way through the halls of the mansion, something caught your attention, some of your girls were having a conversation about something.

M16: One of the special general's in Iran got assassinated by U.S. Military drone strike earlier this year...

AR-15: You know what that means right M16?

M16: Yea, revenge; Iran already raised a lot of red flags and have already taken out a U.S. Embassy, luckily no U.S. military personnel was least that's what the media says...

AR-15: Well, I can't blame them for wanting revenge, the Iran people just lost someone important to them....*sigh* I'm not sure what was the U.S. President thinking assassinating one of the most important person in Iran...

M16: If you haven't noticed by now AR-15....the system is already corrupted...

AR-15: No arguments there, but nothings changed; our goal is to support and protect Master, that's all that matters, anything else is none of our concern

M16: Heh, I couldn't agree more; anyway, M4A1, SOP, and RO are waiting for us in the firing range, lets not keep them waiting.

After you heard M16 and AR-15's conversation both of them started making there way to the back of the mansion where the firing range was at, you then continue to walk through the hallways of the mansion as you make your way to Kryuger's office.

Y/N thoughts: The president assassinated one of the generals of Iran? That's bad, knowing Iran there not gonna take this lightly...

You then finally made it in front of Kryuger's Office, you then knock of the door for permission to enter in, once you did; you heard Helian from inside and gave you permission to come in.

Helian: You can come in mister L/N

You then open the door and walked inside Kryuger's Office, you saw Female Kryuger sitting on "her" chair behind the desk as Helian is standing beside "her"

Female Kryuger: Thanks for coming her Y/N, I know your tired after the "incident" of the oil rig in Alaska...

Y/N: Hehe no kidding...


Y/N: Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUUUUCK!! I'm getting shot up by a Damn Hive!!

You yelled out as you were running through the edge of the oil rig while being chased by a Russian helicopter Hive that was shooting storms of bullets and rockets at you.

Flashback ends

Y/N: I thought I was gonna die back in that oil rig...luckily SOP shot it down, thanks to her I'm still alive...

Female Kryuger: I can tell you had a bad time in that oil rig....anyway the reason why I called you here is that I need you to check on Persica for me, ever since the Russian incident she didn't leave her Lab which is getting us worried, can you check on her for me?

Y/N: Sure thing, better then getting shot at anyway...

You said as you then started to leave Kryugers office and started heading towards the elevator that leads down towards Persica 16Lab.

Helian: Mister Kryuger...usually when Persica hasn't came out from her Lab means...

Female Kryuger: I know....she's making something, that's why I sent Y/N to check on her, if I go check to see what she's up to she won't tell me anything...

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