Chapter 24: Before the Storm

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A few days has past, you already told Kryuger of about Hotel Moscow that's after you, he already set up a few set up defensive protocols to the other G&K personnels to get ready for them, Kryuger does know a few things about Hotel Moscow, like getting pass countries borders without alerting the military by using stealth tech, right now Helian and Kalina were making calls of contacting other G&K Commanders to tell them to keep an eye out for any unmarked transport that crossed the U.S. border, Persica is down below the mansion in her lab her two new subordinates that's coming to the mansion soon to help her around, your girls are getting there guns and equipment ready just in case Hotel Moscow arrives and you....well....

Y/N: 360 No Scope Bitch!

You were playing COD in your room, trying to get those No Scopes while everyone else were busy doing something important while you just play Call of Duty.

Alisa was with you in your room, watching you play your game, she had a worried look on her face as to why your not doing anything to get ready just in case Hotel Moscow comes and tries to kill you.

Alisa: Umm...Y/N? S-shouldn't you...I don't know...prepare yourself just in case Hotel Moscow shows up any time soon?

Y/N: Relax Alisa, its been a few days and Hotel Moscow hasn't showed up yet....besides, I'm not combat trained or have any experience in a battlefield, I'm just a teenager...

Alisa: Still, it won't hurt for you training for combat you know...

Y/N: That's why I have VEGA, he told me that he can download combat experience and skills in my head, not to mention give me crazy ass guns and abilities...

Alisa: Isn't that...cheating?

Y/N: Heh cheating? Please....everyone cheats in wars Alisa, they do anything to win....but right now I'm losing this Sniping Match!

Mission Failed, we'll get then next time!

Y/N: Oh come on!

Alisa just sigh as she continues watching you play your game, she then towards the Phone that was sitting on your counter beside your bed.

Alisa thoughts: I wonder what's Y/N real intention of using the Phone, is going to start World War 3? World Domination? Kill people that he don't like?

Alisa then turn his attention back towards you, while you keep playing your Call of Duty game, focusing of getting kills.

Y/N: No Scope! Get No Scoooope!

Alisa thoughts: *sigh* I think his too busy playing his game then thinking of what to use the Phone for....oh well, maybe I'm just thinking too hard about it...


M4 SOPMOD2 and RO365 were on the elevator that was going down towards Persica's lab that was below the mansion, Persica called the both of them to help her out around the lab for...something.

RO365: Persica where here, what is it that you need help with?

Persica: Oh, you two are here, I just need you two to move around a few things, my two subordinates are going to be here soon so I need to move around some of this stuff so they can have room

M4 SOPMOD2: Okay! Huh?

M4 SOPMOD2 then turn towards something that caught her attention, she walked up too it and examine it closely, it was an old camera, a camera where you have to shake the photo to get the picture to view (I don't know what this camera is called, I forgot)

Then in the corner of her eye, she saw a few photos, she took one of them and look at it a bit closely, once she got a closer look, she had a small blush on her face and a smirk.

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