Chapter 6: Guest

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You were in the market district shopping and buying for some food and supplies for you and the girls...but mostly for the girls, since there going to live with you from now on...your going to buy a lot of food, also meaning empting your wallet.

Y/N: Jeez...I'm gonna be broke...Damnit...

You were buying groceries by yourself in the market district, you asked the girls if they want to come with you, but any of the girls didn't want to...which is odd and skeptical about it.

Y/N: I wonder why any of the girls didn't want to come with me...oh well, I guess they don't want to...

While you were continue shopping for groceries and supplies for the girls, unknown to you that three woman was following you through the market district.

Angelia: Looks like that's him that has the phone.

AK-12: Him? He looks young....are you sure we have the right person that were looking for?

Angelia: Of course we do, Persica maybe a doctor, but she's also spot-on of intel.

AN-94: Well, what do we do? Follow him and take him while his guard is down?

Angelica and her two Elite T-Dolls was following you ever since you left your house to go shopping for food and supplies for the girls, they need a way to interrogate you of how you got that phone, but it looks like it won't be easy.

Angelia: I'm afraid it want be easy to snatch him without any witness....right Five-seven?

She said as she turn towards a girl with white snowy hair, carrying a cupacino, she then walked towards Angelia, her two Elite T-Dolls also turn towards her direction.

She said as she turn towards a girl with white snowy hair, carrying a cupacino, she then walked towards Angelia, her two Elite T-Dolls also turn towards her direction

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Five-seven: Well, it took you awhile to notice me here Angelia.

AK-12: Good to see you again Five-seven, did you fuck any guys lately?~

AK-12 said, remembering Five-sevens past event of what she did before she met you, Five-seven was ticked off from what AK-12 said to her.

Five-seven: You know I don't do those things anymore AK-12! And besides, I see you still keep your eyes close as always

AK-12: Grrr....

Angelia: Calm down ladies, were not here to argue, were just here to talk.

Five-seven and AK-12 stopped argue as AN-94 just stood there quiet not want to get involve between then, Five-seven then took a seat with them.

Five-seven: Tell me why your here? If your planning on hurting my master then that's a death wish to you.

Angelia: No, killing the boy was not part of what I sign up for, besides, his kinda cute to look at hehe~

Angelia teased as Five-seven was getting a bit irritated by what Angelia said, AK-12 giggled in response of what Angelia said of you being cute to look at.

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