Chapter 23: Upcoming Storm

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A new day is here, you were walking down the streets towards your old home, yea, your old house were those mercenaries shot a RPG at it, remember? Well, that happened a year ago, anyway, the reason why your walking back towards your old home is too meet up with your childhood friend Sam, you know, the guy that the Arthor almost forgot about because he want to focus more on the girls more and add more girls into the story....anyway, once you arrived at your old house, you stand in front of your home as you examine it, there was a "DO NOT CROSS" yellow tape police line that's blocking the entry to your old house, you also notice the big giant hole at the side of it, where the RPG Rocket hit, you stood there for a moment as you sigh of seeing your house blown up.

Y/N: and dad is gonna kill me if they found out about this...

Oh yea, the arthor also forgot about your parents, if you don't know where they are or what there doing, there both war journalists, writing of what's happening in Afghanistan, there not dead....not yet at least.

Y/N: least I don't have to pay the bills anymore to this place...

WA2000: Is that the reason of why your happy of your old house being blown up so you don't have to pay the bills anymore?

Y/N: W-What of course not......maybe a little...

WA2000: *sigh* you lack responsibility master....

WA-chan said as she had her arms crossed with a disappointing look on her face as she look towards you, WA-chan "volunteered" to go with you to meet up with Sam, along with M4A1 and AR-15, you only bought them with you so people don't get suspeshes of you walking around with a bunch of girls...mostly the guys.

M4A1: So this was your old home master?

Y/N: Yea, it was my home until those mercenaries blow it up with an RPG...

AR-15: If we showed up to you earlier, we would've prevented this from happening master....

AR-15 said, you just chuckled a bit as you continue to look at your old home, you saw some of your belongings burned and trashed through the giant hole on your old house.

Y/N: Don't blame yourself AR-15, this wasn't you or any of the girls fault...that day when those mercenaries showed up and blow up my the day when my life changed...

You then pulled out the Phone in your pocket, you held onto your hand as you look at the black screen of the Phone.

Y/N: Because of this Phone...

???: I told you about it didn't I?

You then heard a familiar male voice, you turn towards where the voice came from, you then saw Sam, your childhood friend that you grew up with in this neighborhood, he also lived a few blocks away from your old home.

Y/N: Yea you did...but, I guess I didn't listen...

You were about to walk up to him but M4A1 stopped you before you could take another step, you turn towards her confused as to why she stop you.

M4A1: Wait master...he's armed with a pistol that's hiding behind his back, its loaded but the safety is on

Once M4A1 said that, AR-15 and WA2000 quickly walked in front of you to get ready in a firefight in case Sam starts one.

Y/N: Girls relax......Sam?

Sam: *sigh*

Sam then slowly but surely pulled his pistol out from his back, the pistol came into few as he then toss it towards you and the girls, AR-15 quickly caught it as she injected the magazine out and emptied the chamber.

Sam: There, I'm unarmed....can we talk now?

You then passed by the girls as you walked towards Sam, Sam for some reason know your cell number, called you here about a group of deadly soldiers that's coming after you if a few days.

Y/N: So why you called me here?

Sam: Ever heard of Hotel Moscow?

Y/N: Uhhhhh.....

Sam: I'll take that as a no...there ex-Russian of the Soviet Union that fought during the Vietnam War...

Y/N: I thought the Soviet Union was gone...

Sam: Normal people think there gone...but people like me, knows there still here, those Ex-Soviet Union soldiers calls themselves Hotel Moscow, they have enough power to start World War 3 and win...

Y/N: Heh...please don't make me laugh...

Sam: I'm not joking Y/N, I've seen what there capable off, they maybe Ex-Soviet Union Soldiers that lost the Cold War....but they got skills and experience, I'm giving you a heads up to get ready once they come after you, also....

Sam then look towards M4A1, AR-15, and WA2000 as they stood away from you and Sam so you two could talk privately, the girls where examining there surroundings to make sure no one is gonna pop out and try to kill you.

Sam: Your out numbered, these girls may have some kind of crazy super powers or whatever they have, but you lack in numbers, you don't have enough to defend yourself...

Y/N: Outmanned....but not outgunned Sam and don't worry, I still got a few days before Hotel Moscow chases my fact I don't think Hotel Moscow is the only ones thats after my ass, I know I have a sexy ass, but I didn't know it'll cause much attention...

Sam: *sigh* Whatever, just make sure you don't die....because I don't want Mother Earth to turn into a Hell Hole....

AR-15 then walked towards you and Sam as she hands back Sam's pistol along its magazine back in it, Sam took his pistol as he hidden it behind his back.

Y/N: Why are you even carrying a gun on you anyway?

Sam: Its a free country were in Y/N, second amendment remember, anyway, good luck and....don't die

Sam then started to walk off the opposite direction from you and the girls, you watch him walk off as you giggled a bit of what he said.

AR-15: I got a feeling that a storm is coming towards us master...

Y/N: A storm is coming girls...and were gonna make sure we get by it...come on, lets head back to the mansion, we gotta tell the the others and get ready...


A storm is coming, I hope your ready for it, anyway, I hope you enjoy, until then I'll see you in the next Chapter, bye-bye!

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