Chapter 40: 4th Grade Reunion

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A cellular phone was ringing on a nightstand right beside someone's bed, this someone was...well, none other then Female Kryuger "herself", it was early in the morning right after Christmas, she was having a goodnight sleep after all the paperwork her and Helian finished, Female Kryuger now has a chance to rest after exhausting mouth of piles after piles of paperwork that was staking on her desk, she thought she could catch a break after finishing the piles of paperwork that was brought up to her....well turns out she was wrong...

Female Kryuger: Ughhh...its early in the morning, who ever this is you better have a good reason to wake me up....

Helian: So sorry to disturb you at this time of hour Misses- I mean Mister Kryuger, but....

Female Kryuger: WHAAAAAAT!!!?


Timeskip as Female Kryuger along with Helian is now in a meeting room in the G&K Headquarters somewhere in the states, and no your mansion isn't the headquarters, Female Kryuger was throwing a tantrum after what Helian told her through the phone.

Female Kryuger: Your telling me that our nuclear missile R-32 has been stolen by an Australian mercenary?!

Helian: Well...yes that is correct, the Warhead was stolen 5 hours ago right after Christmas...

G&K Personal: Whoever stole the Warhead probably wanted it for Christmas...and we know who has it, Kane Foster


Kane: WOOHOO! Its Christmas time baby!! Hay, be careful with my new toy Hahahahaaa!


Female Kryuger: Shit! Shit! SHIT!!

Female Kryuger then slam her fist onto the desk as her anger temper just keep rising up, she then try to calm down by taking deep breaths.

Female Kryuger: So...we know were this guy is?

Helian: In Borneo, the Warhead was placed with a tracker but they removed it 2 hours ago...

Female Kryuger: Okay umm, notify Y/N, tell him to get some of his girls ready

Helian: U-Umm...about that, Y/N and his girls are...

Before Helian could finish her sentence, Female Kryuger inturrpted her.

Female Kryuger: Look, I know its after Christmas, but we need to set that aside, getting back or Nuclear Warhead is critical, tell Y/N to get him and his girls ready!

Helian: I already did tell Y/N and his girls about the situation....but the thing is...u-umm...

Helian couldn't finish what she was about to say, she was blushing as a bright red tomato, the other G&K employees know why Helian was acting this way, so one of them said it for Helian.

G&K Personal1: Y/N had sex with everyone of his girls, including ones, they injected him with a powerful sex drive drug, making him go berserk over lust, this started during Christmas Eve....

G&K Personal2: And it ending after Christmas....meaning Y/N had sex with his girls the entire Christmas day....his probably exhausted after that...

G&K Personal1: Heh, "probably" you say? The guy is probably dead of having sex with that many girls the entire day....

Female Kryuger just sigh in full of stress after what she just heard, some of these G&K Employee were "probably" right of what happened to you, but anyway, right now, Female Kryuger need to focus of how she needs that Nuclear Missile back.

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