Chapter 37: From Russia With Love [18+]

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Angelica along with her two subordinates AK-12 and AN-94 were keeping an eye on a specific building of where Liz and her new mercenaries which is the football team we're they going to sell "Pandoras Box" to the highest bidder, Angelica and her two subordinates were already in Russia to take care of the situation, but it got more complicated now, now that Liz and her band of football team mercenaries raided and stole some equipment in one of the G&K Armored Base.

Angelica: Looks Liz and her mercenaries were able to get the attention of high ranked War Lords...

AK-12: Not to mention there own guards...some of them are Spetznas...

AN-94: With these many enemy hostiles, I don't think the three of us can pull this off, we need some assistance on this one Angelica...

Angelica: Don't worry girls, or cute assistance and his harem are on his way~

Angelica said in a teasing tone voice, AK-12 and AN-94 were confused for a bit until they got the idea of who Angelica is talking about, once they do AK-12 grew a smile on her face while AN-94 had a blush on her face while looking away.

Angelica: Aww~ are you shy to see Y/N again AN-94?~

AN-94: .....n-no....

AK-12: Hehe, your reaction is cute as always AN-94~

AN-94's blush just grew more on her face as Angelica and AK-12 continues to tease her, AN-94 couldn't help but think about seeing you again, but she's not the only one, Angelica and AK-12 also couldn't help but think of seeing you again.

Angelica: Alright, we should back to the hotel and meet up with Y/N, him and his girls should be arriving in Moscow in a few hours, lets go..

Angelica and her two subordinates then started to leave the target area and head back to the hotel, while they were heading back, AK-12 wanted to discuss about the mercenaries that Liz has with her.

AK-12: By the know that Y/N has a connection with Liz and her mercenaries?

Angelica: Of course I do, M4A1 and the others filled me in about them, how Liz ditched Y/N just so she can just be gangbanged by his highschool football team, I'm pretty sure Y/N is going to take this personally with them...

AK-12: In that case.....

AK-12 and AN-94 were both surrounded in an extreme aura of killing intent, with nothing in there mind but to kill Liz and her football team mercenaries, AK-12 then opened her eyes, revealing her dark purple pupils that once you see them, your already dead.

AK-12 and AN-94 were both surrounded in an extreme aura of killing intent, with nothing in there mind but to kill Liz and her football team mercenaries, AK-12 then opened her eyes, revealing her dark purple pupils that once you see them, your alre...

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AK-12: I'll kill them personally myself for Y/N....


You along with M4 SOPMOD2 and RO365 have just arrived in Moscow, of course M4 SOPMOD2 and RO365 weren't the only girls you brought to Moscow to deal with Liz and her mercenaries, the entire Anti-Rain is here in Moscow as well, along with PKP and WA2000, they weren't with you right now through, they checked in into a different hotel in Moscow so you don't catch unnecessary attention to yourself.

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