Special: Love interests reactions [1/2]

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In this special, we'll find out the love interests reactions to finding out they are love interests! In the end, we will find out the final love interest, as there can only be one! I am your host, Author, and let's start the interview!!


Me: Up first we have Naruto, a sweet young boy who melts hearts. Now, Naruto, how do you feel about knowing that you're a love interest to the one and only, (Y/N)?

With a blush spread across his cheeks, Naruto cheered, "Happy! I like (Y/N) a lot! And I'm gonna win her heart!"

Me: *laughs* alright baby, we'll see about that! Now, *turns to readers* let's go to our next contestant— I mean, love interest, Sasuke Uchiha!

Naruto let out a huff, "Duckbutt."


Me: Alright everyone! Here we have the youngest Uchiha, Sasuke! Now, Sasuke Uchiha, how do you feel after finding out that you are a love interest to (Y/N)?

Sasuke let out a huff before he crossed his arms over his chest. He stayed silent for a couple of seconds yet the blush on his cheeks was evident. When he finally did speak, he only spoke seven words, "I will become her only love interest." before looking away from the camera— I mean author.

Me: *laughs* talk about tsunderes, am I right? Anyway, thank you for your answer, Sasuke Uchiha! Hopefully, you'll introduce me to your brother—

Sasuke leaned forward, his eyes shining like daggers, "What?"

Me: *nervous laugh* alright, next candidate, Shikamaru!


Me: So how do you feel knowing that you, Shikamaru Nara, are one of (Y/N)'s love interests?

Shikamaru shrugged, causing a deadpanned look to form on the author's face.

Me: *covers the mic before turning to the camera—I mean readers* Seriously dude? This is who y'all simp for *meanwhile, tucks my hair behind my ear as I try to act like I ain't got a wall of shikamaru pics*

Shikamaru noticed the look on the author's face before he spoke up, explaining his gesture, "I don't really care because I always knew; I like (Y/N) romantically and I hope to one day, date her." He leaned back against his chair before he crossed his arms over his chest, "As for the other guys, I'm not planning to lose to them."

Me: *holding back tears* Awww, that's so sweet. *turns to look at the camera— I mean readers* Y'all better vote for this man to become the final love interest, cuz I sure am. Alright! Next candidate, Choji!


Me: Alright honey, how do you feel knowing you're fighting for (Y/N)'s love with other love interests?

Choji munched on his chips before he quietly answered, "Not good."

Me: *confused* why is that? Don't you like-love (Y/N)?

Choji nodded his head. "But I just found out Shikamaru is also a love interest, and I don't want him to feel bad after I win—" he looked away before he muttered, "At least, hopefully." He slowly took a deep breath before he looked into the camera— I mean, at the author. "I really don't want to lose but if it's to Shikamaru, I'm okay with it because I know he'll treat (Y/N) right! But," he reached out and took a bite of his chips, swallowing it in one gulp, "This doesn't mean I won't fight for her love?!"

Me: Awww, you guys are melting my heart! *Turns to camera— readers* alright! Now! Our next candidate is Kiba!


Me:  Alright! Here we have Kiba, our *lifts fingers and status to count* fifth candidate for today! So, *turns to him* what do you have to say for yourself to convince the readers to vote for you?

A huff escaped Kiba's lips before he replied, "I don't care who the readers vote— I only care about (Y/N)'s opinion. I'm not giving up on (Y/N) unless she asks me to, not a bunch of readers." Akamaru, who sat on his hair, let out a bark in agreement, causing a grin to form on Kiba's lips.

Me:    Awww, that's actually kinda sweet Kiba, and it came out of you! *sniffles before turning to the camera* alright next candidate, Shino!


Me:     Alright Shino, you are our last contestant for today before we take a short break. How do you feel about your chances with (Y/N) today?

Shino stayed silent, staring at the author with a blank face, causing the author to sweat in nervousness.

Me:   *Turns to face the camera— I mean readers* I mean, seriously guys—

Finally, Shino gestured towards his right, catching everyone's attention, including the author's however they were not prepared for the sight. On the ground, a pile of ants formed a heart yet what sat in the middle was a boy and a girl, holding hands.

Me:   Awwww *a tear escaped my eyes as a sniffle leaves my nose* Beautiful

Shino dug deep into his pocket before he pulled out a handkerchief. He handed it to the author, who awed at the gesture.

Me:  *sniffle and blows my nose* Y'all better vote for him! *blows nose again* After this commercial break!


Me: All alright everyone! See you in part two where I interview the rest of the love interests that the reader has met; Neji, Kakashi, Iruka, Kankuro.

Unfortunately, Haku and Zabuza couldn't join us *covers the mic* especially since neither one of them could return my calls *scoffs* so we'll have a special guest come in!

Your votes will be placed in the next part, stay tuned!

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