{24} A crush...?

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"Purple hair! My daughter—I mean, (Y/N) went on a mission with you and she came back with purple hair!" Asuma freaked out as he pointed at Kakashi.

Kurenai sweat-dropped as she mumbled, "It's more strands of purple hair." She continued the sentence in her thoughts, 'which looks adorable!'

Currently, Kakashi and (Y/N)'s parents— I mean, Asuma and Kurenai are at the Hokage's office discussing a certain issue relating to our beloved (Y/N).

Kurenai patted her boyfriend—I mean, her friend's shoulder as she reassured, "Asuma, calm down. I'm sure Kakashi has a reasonable explanation for what has happened." With her hand still on the black-haired male's shoulder, she turned to the silver-haired male and gestured for him to explain.

With three pairs of eyes on him, Kakashi paused before he truthfully admitted, "I don't." Before a certain father could reign havoc, he continued, "But I do know one thing and I have a suggestion to the problem."

With a glint in his eyes, the silver-haired male confessed, "It all trails back to her hair and that scroll you found." He glanced at Asuma before he continued, "As for the suggestion, I think we should shave off her hair."


Meanwhile, (Y/N) held her purple strands in her hand, staring at them with a pout on her lips. She let out a sigh before she tucked them behind her ear and quickly followed behind the rest of her teammates. A certain blond, who had been rambling about food, immediately turned his gaze towards her.

With sparkles in his blond eyes, he loudly exclaims, startling (Y/N), who seemed to be occupied with her thoughts. "(N/N)! Wanna have lunch together?! We can eat ramen!"

However, at his words, all Team Seven stopped in their tracks while Naruto held a confused look on his face, wondering what was the problems

A large blush covered (Y/N)'s cheeks as she mumbled, "...(N/N)?"

Naruto's eyes slowly widened; he didn't even realize the nickname he had given her until she had pointed it out. A small blush formed on his cheeks as he reached out and scratched the back of his head. "It suits you!" He stuttered nervously.

Sasuke let out a scoff as Sakura clenched her hands into a fist. 'What's Naruto doing?!' The pink-haired teenager yelled in her mind, 'Making (Y/N) blush! It's supposed to be Sasuke!'

Sakura placed her hands on her hips as she scolded the blond, "Naruto! You shouldn't call (Y/N) a nickname without permission!" She finished inside her head, 'Only Sasuke's allowed to give (Y/N) a nickname!'

(Y/N) shook her head before she stopped the pink-haired kunoichi from going any further. "It's okay," a bright smile formed on her cheeks as she admitted lowly, a blush spread across her cheeks, "I like it."

The three teammates blushed at the sight of the girl before Sakura squealed and hugged the (h/c)-haired girl. "You're so cute!" She cooed as she cupped (Y/N)'s cheeks, yet that only made her blush harder.

"(N/N)!" The blond whined. He stepped closer towards the (h/c)-haired girl once Sakura had let go of her. He held her hands as he exclaimed, "Let's go eat ramen together!"

Before Sakura could respond, (Y/N) did. She gave the blond a gentle smile before she apologized, "Sorry Naruto, my dad said to go back to the apartment and wait for him there." Noticing the look of disappointment on his face, she squeezed his hands before she promised, "Next time for sure!"

Naruto whined as he sulked.

Which leads him to where he was now; alone at Ichikaru Ramen, eating his second bowl of his favorite ramen. With a pout spread across his lips, Naruto sighed as he finished his second bowl of ramen. He placed it on top of his first before he let out another loud sigh.

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