[Special!] What if...

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What if Naruto actually managed to confess to (Y/N)???

Previously, [25] A confession...?

"Naruto, what's got you in such a good mood today?"

"I have a crush on (Y/N)!"

"I'm gonna tell her today! Dattebayo!"

"Everyone! Am I late?!" (Y/N) yelled as she ran towards the team.

Before she even finished her sentence, Naruto went running toward her as he yelled out with a grin, "(N/N)!" This, however, led to the chase of the century.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock before she quickly sped her pace. "Naruto!"

She cried out as she ran over to her teammates to find Sakura crouched next to the blond, whispering things into his ear while Sasuke stood by, glaring at him. Meanwhile, Naruto would be screaming, "No! No! You can't stop me! I'm telling her!"

The (h/c)-haired girl exclaimed, "Naruto! Are you alright?!" She stretched out her hand for the blond who gladly took it.

Naruto let out a happy chuckle as he slowly looked at (Y/N). "I'm fi..." his words trailed off as he stared at the (h/c)-haired girl in front of him with a concerned look on her face, causing a large blush to spread across his cheeks.

"Naruto, you're getting red," she commented, her voice laced in worry. (Y/N) stepped towards the blond, furthering the blush on his cheeks. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Slowly Naruto nodded his head causing a warm smile to form on the (h/c)-haired girl's face. "Good!" She cheerfully exclaimed.


Naruto swallowed the lump in his throat before he hesitated, "(Y/N)-chan..." At his voice, the (h/c)-haired girl only tilted her head to the side, waiting for him to continue.

A whole minute passed and the blond stayed quiet. Sakura and Sasuke, who stood by the side, smirked. 'The dobe/Naruto can't muster up the courage,' they thought to themselves.

However, they were proved wrong when Naruto boldly grabbed the (h/c)-haired girl's hands, shut his eyes and declared loudly, "I like you (Y/N)-chan! Let's go eat ramen!"

His confession surprised the three teammates.

Sakura and Sasuke felt anger as well as worry at the (h/c-haired girl's reaction. They turned to look at her only to find her shocked, not expecting his confession at all.

After a minute or so, (Y/N) whispered, "Like-like?"

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and nodded his head, an enormous blush spread across his cheeks. "I like-like you, (Y/N)-chan!" The blond shook his head before he cheekily grinned, "I might even like-like-like you!"

This, however, caused a tiny blush to spread across (Y/N)'s cheek. A moment passed before a small smile formed on (Y/N)'s cheeks, bringing hope to Naruto's heart yet fear in Sasuke and Sakuras'.

"Naruto," she began quietly, an unknown look in her eyes. She gently squeezed his hands before she whispered, "I—"

Before the (h/c)-haired girl could finish her sentence, a loud yell rang through the air capturing everyone's attention. Not too far ahead, there was Asuma, sprinting towards the four genins.

"Dad...?" (Y/N) called out, confusion laced in her tone. "Dad; what a—AH!" The (h/c)-haired girl was cut off when Asuma threw her over his shoulder, causing a squeal to escape her lips.

Naruto cried out, "(Y/N)-chan!"

Asuma then began running away, with his daughter on his shoulder. "My (Y/N)-chan will never have romance!" He yelled furiously as he ran into the distance.

The three teammates stood there, shock on their faces.

After a few seconds, Kakashi trailed in, holding his Icha Icha Paradise book in his hands. He looked up and greeted, "Yo."

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