{4} Uzumaki Naruto! ✔️

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The bell rang and all the students let out a sigh of relief. "Okay everyone, you have your break. You're free to leave the academy as long as you come back when lunch ends." Iruka warned. Some students left the class while others stayed in their seats and talked with their friends.

(Y/N) stood up in her seat. She decided she would go find Asuma, and tell him about her day. "(Y/N), where are you going?" whispered Hinata as she watched (Y/N) stand up.

(Y/N) flinched at the sound of Hinata's voice. She turned around and pointed at the door before she whispered, "Look for Asuma."

Not waiting for Hinata's response, she quickly left the classroom, her heart racing.

"Aww, where'd the new girl go?" ( I love Kiba )

(Y/N) ran out of the academy, wanting to see Asuma. She looked around, a part of her hoping Asuma would suddenly pop out of nowhere. She frowned, realizing he wasn't there.

She turned her head around and walked forward, trying to find him. Tears prickled her eyes when she realized no matter where she turned, he wasn't there.

"Hokage? Hah! The day you become Hokage is the day Konoha falls to the ground." (Y/N) then heard a group of laughter. She turned her head to find a group of guys laughing at a blond boy on the swing.

At that moment, (Y/N) forgot about Asuma. She watched as the boys continued to bully the one boy on the swing. Unintentionally, she found herself walking towards them.

She stopped behind the group of boys, who were still laughing at the blond. The (h/c) haired girl wanted to run away, yet she couldn't. Her feet wouldn't move.

(Y/N) opened her mouth, wanting to defend the blond when a squeak left her mouth. She couldn't help but be terrified of new people.

The group of boys heard the sound and turned to look at (Y/N). One of the boys immediately blushed before he stuttered, "Do you need help?"

(Y/N) looked down and whispered, "Could you please leave him alone?"

"Huh? Why would we?" Immediately, the blushing boy interrupted his friends and shouted out, "Sure!" The blushing boy turned to his friends and gave them a slight glare. "Let's go guys."

Listening to their friend, all the boys left. As they passed (Y/N), they all shot her irritated looks, all except one; the boy who had told the others to leave. He turned to look at (Y/N), instantly blushing at the sight of her. "Bye!" he yelled out before running away.

(Y/N) turned her head forward. She let out a sigh of relief as she took in a deep breath. We turned around, wanting to continue her search for Asuma when the blond boy whispered,
Thanks." gaining (Y/N)'s attention.

The long-haired female turned around and nodded her head. It was quiet between them before the blond boy practically yelled out, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto! I'm going to become Hokage one day!"

(Y/N) stared at the blonde for a few seconds before she nodded her head. "Good luck," she wished.

Naruto let out a sound of awe before he asked in a loud tone, "Hey! What's your name?"

The (h/c) haired girl looked around her, hoping she would find Asuma before she looked back at the blond. "(Y/N)." She answered in a low tone.

A confused look was plastered on Naruto's face before he yelled out and pointed at the long-haired female. "You're that new girl that was in class today!"

(Y/N) nodded her head, agreeing with the blond's statement. Naruto scratched the back of his neck before he joked, "I was sleeping."

Suddenly, the bell rang, signalling it was time to get back to class. (Y/N) wished she had more time to look for Asuma but it wasn't granted. The (h/c) haired girl took a step towards the academy when Naruto let out a loud groan.

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