Chapter 40: The one where there are solutions

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Wild's weapons are an utter blessing and at last you all managed to arm yourselves and stand your ground when teamed up with the police, killing enough animals gone crazy to not let them pass and endanger or even kill civilians anymore. But also you are all human and so sooner rather than later you are getting tired while Dink's forces turned animals aren't getting any less.

Panting, you hack with the axe you had chosen at the nearest ex-monster, effectively turning it to dust. Glancing around you realised you weren't the only one getting tired. "What now?!" you ask your best friend between two strangled breaths, hoping she'd have a clever answer.

Her face scrunches up as sweat beads at her forehead, she doesn't look happy at all and exhausted, limbs holding a sword and shield trembling. "...let...let me...think" she huffs out before giving a panicked shriek as a boar zooms in on her, your friend barely managing to dodge the attack, before Warriors, bless his beautiful but overrated face, spears it up and gives her some breathing and thinking room.

Zelda blushes, smiling at him a bit dreamily and you sigh, knowing for the next minute or two you will probably not get a coherent answer for she has been star struck.

Luckily there's no need to waste that time.

"How about closing it?" A too familiar voice asks rhetorically.

You turn and glance back and smile: "Impi!"

And there she stands as large as life in her business heels long enough to kill a man by spiking his heart with the heel, Time shadowing her dutifully, holding a machete Impi got who knows where from. She herself carries guns double-handed, ready to shoot whatever moves wrong in her direction, doing just that with another boar moments later. "I didn't get invited to this party" she complains flatly, casually, like this was some sort of sick party and not some life or death situation.

"Sorry!" Zelda calls out with a wince, snapping out of her celebrity induced crush and shielding herself against a bear swipe with the now slightly damaged knight shield. "We were kinda busy. Next time you'll get a formal invite."

"I better" Impi notes cooly as she ends the bear with a headshot. Time then runs off to help one of the boys or policemen, you are too busy to check for sure.

"So you're gonna do it now or not, kid?" the bodyguard voices and you nod, scrambling for your backpack. The gold and white journal seems to glow in your hands as you hold it carefully.

Quickly you get a pen out and write: "The black portal should close." And the book glows and grows warm in your hands…

...but earthian anti-magic defenses weaken the magic of your notebook and thus make it unable to cancel the other out.

Which means you have to get closer for this to work.


"I can't close it from here!" you call out desperately, sticking the pen behind your ear and clutching the book against you as you swing the axe again. "I have to get closer!"

"Closer?!" Hyrule gives out, looking highly unhappy that you are ready to storm into danger.

"Got you!" Wild assures, readying himself to fight the way free for you. Twilight does not seem happy about that but joins right in to help him anyways.

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