Chronicles 1: The one where he really wants to be somewhere else

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Gannon was a very easy-going man. He had always been calm and tried his best in a world that seemed to be set against him.

And wasn’t that ironic seeing as his name was actually an Irish one with the meaning fair?

Still, even as a young boy he had endured and had done his best to be good. He was a good friend, a good classmate, and a good grandson.

And then, suddenly he was an adult and had to find his own path in life, seeing as though he was smart, he was not as smart as his friends were. And he was also not rich, so he didn’t have their chances at all.

Thus one day he had decided to pack up and travel the world, see and learn things he had never known and maybe help some people. His only guide had been his trusty journal in which he had written all of his childhood’s dreams and goals.

And then he’d lost it.

He’d searched the stupid desert where he had been at that time twice over and didn’t find it. All of his notes were gone.

And instead he had found a pretty black and silver journal.

And that was when Gannon realized that maybe it was on the time to stop chasing childhood dreams and follow a new and better path. He would always be good, of course, still.

And so he lightened a new cigarette with a lighter he had purchased recently, because the ones he had packed before starting his journey had mysteriously vanished from his pack just when he had said his friends goodbye, and began writing.

He smiled fondly as he remembered the lighter-thief’s particular determination to convert him into a non-smoker. Well, he could smoke and still be good, also it calmed him very much.

And so he had started his journal once more until it was filled with little thought all over, ranging from “I want to be able to improve the world” to “People should understand me and accept me for who I am.” Because wasn’t that the problem, people seeing him and just assuming things?

And once he had come halfway with filling the pages, he finally decided to return home. Just in time it seemed, seeing as one of his friends, the lighter-thief, to be exact, had a big examen exactly that morning.

Ready to surprise them and to cheer on them in person and not just through a phone, Gannon hadn’t even hesitated to run right back out after giving his grandmothers quick kisses and hugs.

And as luck would have had it, he caught just the bus in which the pipsqueak had seated themself.

“They had really come a long way”, Gannon thought proudly, as he watched them going once more over their studying material, before chuckling when he saw the student slowly drifting off. They were truly a sleepy head, after all.

Grinning he seated himself next to them, ready to wake them so they didn’t miss their stop once it arrived. That would be a nice surprise, wouldn’t it?

Snickering, he had pulled his journal out and started doodling in it. Before he was aware of it he realized that his thoughts were drifting. They drifted off to his other friend who Gannon especially wanted to meet again.

“I really wish I was somewhere else right now” he thought and wrote. Because he truly did want to be somewhere else. Surrounded by both his best friends in the gaming room would be the most preferable. He still had a few Super Smash Bros rematches to win after all.

And then suddenly there was screaming, and Gannon felt terribly dizzy as he was catapulted through a rainbow of dark colors.

And then he was suddenly in the middle of a dark forest. Every bone in his body seemed to hurt and the world was spinning. And then, when the world was focused again, there was a dark man with him.

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