Chapter 27: The one where you are finally back

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You were not sure for how long you fell, but suddenly it was over and you were spat out on hard wooden floorboards. Behind you were thumbs as the others were also spat out and in front of you gasps and shouts. And then thundering applause.

Owlishly you blinked and looked up from where you had kissed the ground. A group of amazed faces were focused on you, most of them little kids and some teenagers and their parents. And one kid had his phone out.

Well, damn.

"Delete that!" you snapped, radiating anger and annoyance while getting to your feet. The kid stared at you wide eyed, unmoving. "Now, or I'm gonna sue your pants off of you for making a video of me without my permission" you growled out, done with the kid and the gasps behind you.

That finally got the kid moving and he quickly scrambled to nod and fumble on his phone.

Satisfied you turned and gave everyone around you a quick check to make sure there were no other phones.

And then you turned to the poor carnival magician whose show you had literally crashed. "Good job, man, see you never" you said, giving a mock bow, a quick salute and a toothy grin and the shush-sign before scrambling the Links together and herding them off the stage and out of there.

While the poor guy was still gasping and gaping, you heard a gum chewing teenager muttering to another: "Wow, those effects were so fake. I could see the trap door open and close behind them." The other nodded in agreement: "Yeah, totally. That fake blood really ruins their looks also, I've seen tomato juice look more realistic. And that one kid didn't even bother to change into a costume. So lame. Honestly, this show sucks."

You grinned inwardly but didn't stop pushing and pulling until you were around a few corners, even as some tried to stop and gape at the attractions and rides around them. In the shadow of a building you finally stopped and took a good look at the group in front of you.

Twilight was carrying a bleeding and unconscious Wild and everyone was sweaty and bleeding from minor injuries. A lot of them were also fidgeting nervously and looking at you and around them wide eyed.

Finally Wind opened his mouth when the silence between you all got too much and stated: "What the duck?" In a nearby rollercoaster some people screamed and reflected thus your inner mental state.

You blinked, trying to process this.

Time gave a disapproving frown at Wind: "No cursing, sailor." "I'm a goddess damned pirate and I am ducking allowed to curse all the sh*t I want" the kid snapped at that.

Okay, rewind.

Brain process restarted.


Well, damn.

"You're speaking English!" you stammered out, dumbfolded. At that nine pairs of eyes turned to you, to blink.

"I guess?" Hyrule offered with a helpless shrug. You were absolutely ready to pull at your hair at that. All this time the miscommunication could have been avoided with that stupid notebook!

Also, you were back in your world, finally. This was just wow.


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