Chapter 32: The one where you make some plans

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You rushed along hallways in desperate search for those gone astray, worry only growing with every minute you had not found them. For what would happen if they find what they should never see?

You didn’t dare to imagine.

Because the very existence of the franchise in your world made you question the reality of theirs and you had been there. And you had heard the history.

How had these stories crossed over in the way they had? Or was Hyrule just a figment born from the creator’s and fan’s imagination?

You were pretty sure it was real, for while every other magical item you had tested so far seemingly had ceased to work, the book still safely in your backpack still pulsed with magic and the ability to form portals to another world. It had lost its reality bending ability though (which honestly was a great relief, because for the test you had written “Pigs should fly” and it luckily hadn’t happened yet).

You hadn’t however had time (nor interest for you did so not want to burn your fingers) to inspect the Master Sword though, mind you, so you could not really prove your current theory that only the super high profile magical items still had some use, though highly diminished thanks to Earth being a magic hating planet apparently, that tried to snuff this power out as far as it could, only apparently the power of the goddesses of Hyrule managing to override it slightly.

But again, it was only a non-proven theory so far and you wouldn’t be surprised if the goddesses were to blame for the inspiration that caused the games to exist here by somehow influencing those in charge of making the videogames in the first place.

Rounding a corner, you nearly crashed into the grid of an air shaft that was suddenly flung in your direction. Doubling back and almost stumbling over your feet, you stared as your brother, followed by a grinning Wild and a concerned looking Hyrule climbed out of the now opened what should be the too tight air vent. When he saw you, Luck started grinning madly, and he turned, his glasses hanging askew, to his two companions, which were just as grimy and dust-covered as he was and proclaimed: “See, I told you I know the way!”

“That you did!” Wild agreed before promptly pulling out his Sheikah Slate for probably taking a victory photo, only to find it still disappointedly not working, due to missing magic to charge it.

Hyrule frowned slightly before quietly stating: “Well, I’ve been lost a lot and I still think that we were lost until now…but if you two think so…”

“Don’t look so down, buddy. Rather say cheese!” Luck intoned peppily while pulling the two Links close for a Selfie with his own (scratched and dirty) phone in front of the air shaft they just escaped from. Both heroes quickly followed his orders and from your point of view you had to admit that the photo probably would be a good one.

Which your brother quickly checked and showed the other two boys with a satisfied nod, which made you realize that this was probably not the first time the three had a photo session like this. You couldn’t help but wonder what exactly these boys had done in the meantime but actually you were quite sure you didn’t want to know.

“Okay” you stated and thus captured the attention of your brother and his apparently two new buddies. “Would you mind following me now so I can lead you back without you getting lost?”

“We were not lost, I gave them the grand tour of this place!” your brother quickly bristled but you quickly stalked off, not ready to have this argument again with him.

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