Chapter 7: The one where you learn the truth

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The next hour or so was a bit of a blur. If anyone would ask you to recount details you wouldn't be able to do so. You remembered taking your bag from its hiding place and putting the lighter and can back where you got them from and someone taking your hand and guiding you while you desperately tried to sort through your scrambled thoughts, but that's it. Otherwise you were utterly numb to everything else.

The world came back into focus when the Travelers paused in front of a gigantic black something...maybe portal or a hole? Either way, it was utterly intimidating.

Blinking yourself out of your stupor you realized that it was Babey who was holding your right hand and Cook who was guiding you by your left shoulder.

Well, guess now you know how you got there without tripping over something and thus breaking your neck.

Seeing your eyes upon him, Babey gave a wide grin and said something, grinning. You had no idea what he wanted, your mind was still too blown to reboot itself. Seeing that you didn't answer, the kid frowned and said something to Cook, whose eyes narrowed, and they quickly whipped out another red sock juice, which they promptly held under your nose.

Grimacing you pushed the bottle away, shaking your head, inwardly chanting to your brain to function. Brain.exe has stopped working, please wait for an answer so it may be able to reboot, came the answer back. You frowned and instead focused on the moment.

The travelers meanwhile started grouping into two people groups. Pink and Sparkle made one, Mr. P(r)tty and Scar made another, a quiet Color grouped with an exhausted looking Cape, who had gotten his cape back, made a third. Wolfshide came over to where you three were and asked Cook something but the currently in motherhen mode person shook their head vehemently. Wolfshide then turned to Babey who also vehemently refused whatever Wolfshide asked of him.

Then Babey turned to Cook and said something to them, only for Cook to answer just as annoyed. This arguing match quickly escalated until Scar made his way over to you and ended the by now screaming match. Your ringing ears where thankful for that even though your fried braincells couldn't really understand what all this was about.

In the end Cook was given to Wolfshide and Babey looked incredibly smug until he too, was resorted and put with Sparkle, leaving Pink to group with you. None looked really happy about it and Pink was looking you up and down as if sizing you up. Maybe he was, but because your brain was currently offline you couldn't care any less.

Then the first group entered the black something and was gone.

Brain.exe has restarted. Rebooting process 0%.

"'re not going in there are you? This is all real so you could seriously get lost or harmed or die if you enter this thing" common sense whispered.

The second group entered and also vanished from existence. Pink tapped his foot and had the gall to look impatient.

"Apparently I am" you answered your tiny voice. "Have you lost your mind?!" screeched common sense at that.

The third group disappeared. Pink looked at you scowling, and offered an arm to hold onto for when it was your turn, which apparently was now.

"Apparently, yes" you said. Because these travelers would know best, right?

And so you took Pink's offered arm and with a few too quick steps you were inside the black something.

"Idiot" huffed common sense.

And then you were falling through a rainbow of dark colors as reality stretched and bend around you and the only reason you knew you were still there was by the firm grip you had on Pink's arm.

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